Status for my website


Apr 8, 2004
Please read the forum guidelines before posting and provide the clickable link to the category to which you submitted.


Apr 8, 2004
GG, thank you for providing the clickable link. However, I do not have access to the area that you submitted your site, so I cannot actually give you a status check. But someone will be along to do that for you. Occasionally, a thread will slip through the cracks unnoticed. I can tell you this, do not re-submit your site unless an editor tells you to. Sorry, I could not help more. Just be patient.


Jun 26, 2004

I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly. As I am not an editor, I would like to know which of the submittal policies would have made my site unlistable. I am new to this and do not understand how the editor would interpret the policy in this case. Thanks for any insight,and if you have a ton of other work to do, which I am sure you do, its ok, I was just curious, because I see a few of other sites similar to mine on the dmoz!
Ginny :cool:


Jun 26, 2004

Thanks for your help. I have taken a look at the guidelines and am planning on re=vamping my site. I did originally create my site as an affiliate marketer but after all the research I've done decided that there is a lot more information I would like to add to the site, and I am in the process of doing just that.

Eventually, my site will be edited and re-published but this will take me the rest of the summer! Does the Directory eventually get a peek at these updated versions to see if they are listable? Or do we have to re-submit? Or did we only get a once-in-a lifetime-shot at getting listed?

Just need to know what to do. By the way. I read somewhere online that Alexa uses DMOZ information to update there directory. Do you know if this is the case?

ps its really great that this forum exists. most forums Ive been involved in consist of members answering questions of other members and no one really knows what the scoop is. It is good to have an insider help with these problems we webmasters have 'out here'


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You can resubmit when the new site is finished. If the editor judges that the "primary purpose is (still) to drive commercial (e.g., affiliate) traffic to other sites", it still wouldn't be listable.

The editor's judgment will inevitably be affected by experience with similar sites. And many affiliate marketers are fluffing up their sites with promotional material merely to pack keywords in for search engine spider bait. So your "content" would reall needs to look like "information", not "promotion", its main purpose really needs to not look like enticement to buy; it really needs to be substantive and even unique on the web ... or the site will just look like the disguise du jour for deceptive affiliate marketers.

Many people, even with the best intentions, find these criteria extremely difficult to master: either they simply don't know anything unique, or their writing style is trapped in the imperative rather than indicative mood. (Most of the writing most people have seen is promotional in nature; other forms may therefore be difficult to write.)

Look at your writing this way. (1) Suppose someone is not interested in determining whether or not to purchase your service. Is there any conceivable value that they could get by reading your material? (2) Suppose someone is interested in buying the service. Can they be dissuaded by reading your material?

If the answer to either question is "no", what you have is clearly promotional material with the primary purpose of collecting customers (for other sites.)


Jun 26, 2004
Thank you

Thanks for guidance. I have a lot of work to do. This has helped me focus. I have had so many ideas and felt immobilized because of too many options. This will help me organize my thoughts and ideas and hopefully produce a more useful site for my viewers.
Ginny :)
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