status for pixmania sites



Do you think it will be accepted?

The parent site might be listed, but there is no reason to list the deeplinks. Even the French language site is available from the main URL, so whilst it can be considered in World/Français we'd still normally list the main url.

Note I have not reviewed the site for content - It will be listed on that alone, but each single country version is not eligible for independant listings.



In the Regional branch of the ODP (All sites are in English), only one site for the company is listable - as the version has been listed, no other site is listable.

In the World branch of the directory (which is broken down by language) the main url would normally be listed, and the alternate languages included in the description.

Whilst it is possible that the individual language editors may list the language specific sub sections of your site, we try to list a single url in all the languages which is why I suggested the one. As things stand the url is a sub section of the main site, and should have been listed as .com, rather than

It's irrelevant to us how you choose to create your web presence - whether as a single large site, split into subdomains, or spread over an array of URL's - we'll list the company presence once.

Are you saying that if we list in World/Français with a description ending in [français, anglais, finnois, néerlandais, serbe, lithuanien] the user would not be able to find the French content?

I don't edit World, but my understanding of the listing guidelines, is that we list the single root URL, especially where navigation to the specific language content is obvious, irrespective of the language presented on the entry page.

I speak with authority on listing in Regional in the English language though - you may have precisely one site listed if it meets the content guidelines.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.