Status for


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I only looked at the first category because the others aren't as appropriate. You may have missed the part of our submission guidelines that asked you to submit to the one best category, though you did agree that you'd read them at the time.

Whatever, it's waiting there with a handful of other suggestions and we'll get to it in time, though we can't predict when that will be. There's no need to resubmit.



Thanks for your reply. I apologise if my submissions were not appropriate. I had previously asked on this forum whether there was a maximum number of categories one could submit to and was told there wasn't. I am sorry if I should have only submitted to one category. I wasn't aware I was infringing your guidelines.

Many thanks for checking my submission.




Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
What sole said in your other thread was absolutely true, but perhaps slightly unclear for your purposes. I'll try to clarify it.

1. A site may be suggested for a listing in each language for which it has content (and we mean real content that makes sense in the language, not just machine-translated on-the-fly).

2. Within each language:

- A site with interest within a given region (for example, a business located in an area, or a site about some aspect of an area) may apply for a listing in a single appropriate category of the Regional/ branch. Sites should be suggested in the most specific (smallest) possible region that covers all of their locations or material.

- A site with topical interest that is more general, and doesn't just apply to a small region, may be suggested in a single Topical branch category (e.g. a category in Shopping/ or Business/ ). The site should be suggested in the most specific category that covers the contents.

In other words, since your site is in English, you should have submitted at maximum in two places, once in Regional and once in a topical branch. However, since your site is specific to the UK, and doesn't pertain to the topic in general, it belongs in the Regional category only.

I hope this clarifies the policies for any future site suggestions you may choose to make.
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