Status for


Apr 27, 2004
Ok, it's been 2 more months for a total of over 4 months. The category has two editors. I don't understand. Can't someone just look at the site? I've worked very hard on it and can't get anywhere with Google until DMOZ lists it. Are the editors of that category competitors who are unethically keeping me out?

Why won't they just do their job. It takes 5 minutes to look over a site. They've had over 4 months.

Anyone? My site is and it was submitted to

Lee :(


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]

We ask that you wait at least 6 months between status requests. You had your last status request answered on July 1st 2004, this means you are welcome to ask for a secondary update after 1st January 2005.

Please return to this thread (it might be a good idea to bookmark it for easy access) and bump it in January should you need another update.

In the meantime you can always periodically go to and check to see if your site has been listed by using the search function or browsing to the category you submitted to.

Why won't they just do their job. It takes 5 minutes to look over a site. They've had over 4 months.

Remember that editors are volunteers, they are under no obligation to review a site by a specific date or in a specific time frame.

Thanks :)


Apr 27, 2004
I've done as asked. First, I submitted my site ( and it didn't show up for a couple of months. Then, I was told to wait 6 months from the date that I asked for my first status request. In fact, a forum editor told me to ask again January 1st, 2005. Today, obviously, is January 3rd, 2005. It has been 8 months since I submitted the site.

Please don't ask me to come back in six months. My site matches the category, it's a good site, I don't understand why it's not in there or anywhere on DMOZ except that the editor of the category owns a competing site and has ultimate control over who is in there (why would he want to list his competitors).

Please help me. I would greatly appreciate it.

Would someone please tell me the status of

Submitted to


Jun 4, 2002
Status = still waiting there.

The category editor does not have ultimate control over the category. Hundreds of editors can edit there (me, for example). Not to worry, it's just that no one has gotten to that site to review it yet.


Apr 15, 2003
Sorry no change, you may ask again in half a year.

You may choose to assume a competing editor as blocking your site, but you are wrong.


Apr 27, 2004
After waiting a half a year to ask, all I get is that I "may ask again in half a year?" :confused:

You mean you have time to go see that the site is STILL in waiting after 8 months, and have time to mock me by telling me that I can check again in 6 months but you don't have time to approve the site? I was an editor for DMOZ and was inactive for about 3 months because I moved to another state, they removed my editing abilities. But the editor of this category after 8 months is still an editor.

And then you are sarcastic to me? That seems just plain mean. Not only is that hurtful, but it just seems tacky. I don't understand why you (and DMOZ) would do this to me.



Apr 15, 2003
It takes me 10 seconds to see if your site has been reviewed. I don't have permission to edit there, but if I did it would take a lot longer than 10 seconds to review it. I would not have reviewed your site anyway as we do not review as a result of posting in this forum; if we did, we would be swamped with requests.

You came and asked about your site status, and threw in some accusations about an editor, which are unproven, and demanded that your site should be reviewed and what type of answer you should get - don't complain so much when you get an answer that you don't like.

Your site has never been reviewed - simple as that.

If you have any proof about editor corruption, file a complaint, don't make vague rants.


Aug 2, 2002
If you are a former editor then :

a) you must surely know how popular matchmaking categories are.
b) you know that editors are volunteers and edit at their convenience not yours.
c) you know that an awful lot of work goes on in the background besides listing sites.
d) you should know how to format a title and description so an editor doesn't have to spend time rewriting them.
e) you must realise that there is no way on earth an editor checking a status can review the site - that would be grossly unfair on all other submitters to that category.

You don't have to ask again in 6 months, it's up to you, and up to the volunteers here whether they choose to answer despite having abusive comments aimed at them.


Apr 27, 2004
Please read again what I said and I think you'll see that I didn't claim that the editor had/has bad motives. I certainly didn't mean to. I simply said that I can't figure why he/she hasn't listed the site in over eight months time and listed that as a possibility. I didn't say he/she definitely had bad motives, I simply listed it as a possibility. If I was insulting, I'm sorry. That was not my intent.

I certainly didn't think I made abusive comments toward anyone here and if I did I am very sorry. I thought someone was rude to me by making the sarcastic, mocking comment, "You may ask again in half a year."

I realize that might be policy, but the way it was thrown in my face after I had waited patiently to ask for the past 6 months was uncalled for.

Can you not imagine the frustration of waiting 6 months only to see the category basically unchanged?

I feel I was treated rudely and now it seems I'm the one ganged up on and made out to be the bad guy?

Come on guys, this is unnecessary.



Aug 2, 2002
You alleged abuse:
" don't understand why it's not in there or anywhere on DMOZ except that the editor of the category owns a competing site and has ultimate control over who is in there (why would he want to list his competitors)."

And complained about the wait, when as a former editor you should know better than most what the procedures are. The answer to your query is/was it is still awaiting review, you can come back in 6 months and request a further update. That is the standard response, we can give no other to your query, it was not thrown in your face or mocking you.

Can you not imagine the frustration of waiting 6 months only to see the category basically unchanged?
No I can't. Concentrate your marketing efforts and thoughts on something other than DMOZ, you know the wait is anything from 2 minutes to infinity and there are no guarantees of acceptance when the site is reviewed. Submit, forget it, do something more productive. If it is listed you get a small bonus, if not then nothing lost.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You're welcome to ask again about the site's status (after the stipulated time). But you may not use this forum to make accusations of unethical behavior (there's an abuse reporting system for that) or to request expedited site reviews (there's no system for that, and that's a Good Thing.)

You'll have to remember that if you're in a very competitive field, whatever uniqueness your site has, it can't be immediately obvious; and editors generally give priority to submittals of sites that have obvious potential for unique content.

The ODP really doesn't offer website promotion services, and you can see why -- we don't provide them and (if truth be known) we can't provide them, and really aren't interested in providing them. If that's what you're looking for ... it's a VERY competitive business: you should have no trouble finding it (elsewhere).


Curlie Meta
Mar 27, 2002
My site matches the category
Hate to say it, but it doesn't.

Every submitter should check out the category description before they submit. If you had, you would notice your site is not appropriate for that category.

From the Matchmaking category description
This category is for matchmaking sites that conduct live personal interviews, do some sort of screening, and do not use computerized matching. Sites which merely match based on compatiblity etc., will not be listed into this category.
I just looked at the site and see no evidence the site does what is required for inclusion in that category.

When you submit to the wrong category, it tends to take longer for a review. Someone with editing privileges in one category may not have privs in the other, so the best they can do is pass it to the next location where it will wait until another editor gets to it.

If I were you, I would resubmit it to Society/Relationships/Dating/Personals/Christian. It might not speed things up, but at least you wouldn't be waiting in the wrong category.

My :2cents:
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