status -


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, the site is waiting there for review. And, on a quick glimpse, unless that material is plagiarized elsewhere from the internet (which I don't really suspect, but didn't check either -- and an editor should always check before listing) I think it's a good candidate for listing (somewhere). But ... I think you've made a taxonomic mistake in submitting, which may be most easily relieved by a resubmit.

Obviously, any content can be categorized by medium or subject. Our usual approach is to categorize by subject unless the subject is very very broad -- that is, a collection of biographies of authors would be found under literature/authors, not reference/biography. I would suggest that you check out our Recreational Collecting categories for a more specific topic that closely fits the scope of your collection, and submit there. This may eliminate one of the "wait for review" stages. (It is even conceivable, although unlikely, that the site will be listed both places. And two submittals of a content-rich site (which IMO this one is) wouldn't be considered spam.

Assuming (as I say) originality, there are still some issues that might trip up an unwary editor. The Amazon affiliate links are NOT an issue. This is, IMO, the kind of use of affiliate links that Amazon originally envisioned -- that is, a useful adjunct to an informative site; they are relevant and not objectionably prominent. We can ignore them evein if we didn't think them useful.

Clearly the site is there to promote your business -- which might not be listable separately (we're hesitant to list e-bay shops since in that topic e-bay's index is so much better than anything we could do, and it is of no value to surfers for us to waste time trying to compete with them.) But again, we'd list a site even if it were posted on Geocities and had off-topic advertisements, and it shouldn't be a problem for us to list an informative site with on-topic advertisements.

But I'd say: do resubmit once in the other topic, and do check back in six months for a status. There's a slightly higher chance than usual (a few percent, maybe, I'd guess) that the site might be inappropriately deleted -- and it looks like one we may not want to miss.


Sep 15, 2004
Site redesign

Hi Hutcheson,
What a response! thank you for taking your time to give me a such a long and studied reply. It really is appreciated. I was expecting nothing more than "it is still awaiting review".
I took the time between your reply and now to give your points some real thought and institute some pertinent changes on the site.
Before I go into them, I'd like to clear some misconceptions.
The site is not actually to promote my business. The encyclopedia of silver marks came first and I began it solely because it is a major interest of mine and I just got tired of waiting for someone else to create one that is actually useful and comprehensive. The selling section was added later as a "might as well" since the traffic was there. In truth, it gets a negligible amount of visitors. BTW, it's not an ebay store, there was a link to my ebay sales in the menu bar, but only a link. My site would never come up on ebay's index or search function.
As to taxonomy, I do believe I've chosen the right category, it really is an encyclopedia and there is already an encyclopedia of silver marks listed in this category (a site that illustrates 193 marks as opposed to the 2,527 (so far) identified & illustrated on my site). Of course I'd love it to be cross listed in other categories, but I'd like to wait until it is either accepted or rejected in this one. Besides, already tried Recreational Collecting in 2003 & Shopping: Antiques and Collectibles: Silver and Flatware in 2002, or vice versa.
In the interest of getting accepted, I've removed the ebay link and items for sale from the menu and you will find no way to navigate to them except through the "Links Page". In essence I've put my own business on par with those of the sites that link to my site. The encyclopedia is now a "stand alone" informational website. I hope these steps help to get it listed, of the 4 or 5 other sites that share comparable information, none come close in scope, volume or useability. (Hope I can toot that horn here since this is not a submission)
Thanks again for your time and input.
Best, Tom Guarrera
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.