


I've first tried submitting a few months ago (iirc since then the editor changed). Sadly it never showed up in the listing.

Aprox. 2-3 weeks ago I gave dmoz another try, and got the german version of my site listed to the german part of the directory pretty fast - great. The english version still isn't listed though.

The current editor (nayebi) also didn't answer my emails.

That's why I'm asking here if somebody could please check the status.





Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Editors are volunteer and aren't required to answer emails, and many don't.

That category is backlogged, with around 100 sites pending review. By resumitting you overwrite the previous submission, which means that if the editor sorts by date you would keep sending your site to the bottom of the queue. Your site, with a submission date of 03/Jun/2003, is currently pending in that queue. It will likely be awhile before your site is reviewed, I would recommend not resubmitting again. If you don't see your site in a few months, then please feel free to check back here using this same thread. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


&gt; That category is backlogged, with around 100 sites
&gt; pending review.

Weee... 100 sites backlog? We by far don't have that many competitors - guess it's a lot of spam in there then. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

&gt; By resumitting you overwrite the previous submission,
&gt; which means that if the editor sorts by date you would
&gt; keep sending your site to the bottom of the queue.

I see.

&gt; Your site, with a submission date of 03/Jun/2003, is
&gt; currently pending in that queue. It will likely be awhile
&gt; before your site is reviewed, I would recommend not
&gt; resubmitting again.

Does dmoz check if an editor is still "alive", e.g. will the position of an editor become available again so maybe someone who's willing/able to spend the time for the project can take over the job?

(I know I don't qualify, I asked for becoming an editor for that category like &gt;1 year ago, when it didn't have an editor)

&gt; If you don't see your site in a few months, then please
&gt; feel free to check back here using this same thread.

Few months... ouch :/

Thank you for your fast response.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Editors time out if they don't log in after 4 months. Also, editors higher up in the tree as well as Meta and Editall editors can also edit in that category.

There are under 90 sites now, I cleaned out some obvious spam...that is not to say there isn't more <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

As for how long it could take, that is hard to say. That editor, or another, could log on and do the backlog in a few days time. Because editors are volunteer, they can spend as much or as little time as they would like editing. It is possible it could be listed soon (or denied soon, I did not look at your site as this isn't an area I am really familiar with), but more likely that it could take longer than 2 months because of the backlog. It is just impossible to say. Sorry to not offer better news. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Does dmoz check if an editor is still "alive", e.g. will the position of an editor become available again so maybe someone who's willing/able to spend the time for the project can take over the job?

Places for editors are available all the time, no places are locked by existing editors. Remember that new editors are usually not accepted to categories with loads of spam or to large categories. More information can be found in the Becoming an Editor-Forum.


&gt; Editors time out if they don't log in after 4 months.

I see - can you see if this is the case here, e.g. if that category is still activly maintained? Just curious <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

&gt; Also, editors higher up in the tree as well as Meta and
&gt; Editall editors can also edit in that category.

I see. But probably they don't do that for inclusions, as they would need knowledge in that category, right?

&gt; There are under 90 sites now, I cleaned out some obvious
&gt; spam...that is not to say there isn't more

Thanks <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

&gt; It is possible it could be listed soon (or denied soon, I
&gt; did not look at your site as this isn't an area I am
&gt; really familiar with),

Oh well, I guess I don't really have to worry about rejection - I used a sensefull description and chatjet perfectly fits into the category - and it already got listed in the german counterpart category <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

So my only worry is getting it reviewed...

&gt; but more likely that it could take longer than 2 months
&gt; because of the backlog. It is just impossible to say.
&gt; Sorry to not offer better news.

Well, my fault after all. I should have cared earlier - I tried submitting it at the beginning of the year, but gave up on all those 500 server errors - until I finally did some research to find out those 500 server errors are normal and one has just to submit at an unusual time to get the submission through <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Thx again


&gt; Places for editors are available all the time, no places
&gt; are locked by existing editors. Remember that new editors
&gt; are usually not accepted to categories with loads of spam
&gt; or to large categories. More information can be found in
&gt; the Becoming an Editor-Forum.

I've just read the FAQ in that forum - wow, now I'm confused:

"We do not bar editors with business affiliations, since those editors with their own sites usually know their competition and related sites better than anyone. This knowledge can be ideal for helping build an authoritative directory. However, we will not tolerate editors who only add their own sites, or maliciously interfere with others' listings in the directory."

Back when that category didn't have an editor I filled out the application form, explaining in full honesty that I'm programming Chat server software for a long time already, and also am active in non-commercial IRC server projects, and basicly know any and all chat server system on the market.

My application got rejected, and back then I thought it was because I mentioned that I'm also affiliated with a company selling chat servers...

Do you think I should try and fill out the application form again?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
1. We do not comment on what editors do / how much they edit. It's the choice of every single editor how many he/she will contribute to the directory. You can look at the "category last editred" date, but keep in mind that this does not tell you the amount of work done.

2. In general, I don't see a problem with someone programming chats editing the apropriate category. Regarding the size, I would advise to start with a subcategory - most likely a new editor would not be accepted to that category because it's quite big already and has quite some unreviewed asites waiting.

3. Remember that qualification in the topic is not the major part we are looking for. Qualification as an editor is far more important. Check your spelink, generate good descriptions, submit apropriate examples of your future work that fit into the category.

4) Be honest. (Don't underestimate this)

5) For the expanded version of this, read the advice given in the "Become an editor" section.


&gt; 1. We do not comment on what editors do / how much they
&gt; edit.


&gt; 2. In general, I don't see a problem with someone
&gt; programming chats editing the apropriate category.
&gt; Regarding the size, I would advise to start with a
&gt; subcategory - most likely a new editor would not be
&gt; accepted to that category because it's quite big already
&gt; and has quite some unreviewed asites waiting.

I agree. I also think it would be a good idea to create two new subcategories for java- and html/http-based server systems (there already is a category for irc-based ones) as that is the major difference between the systems listed.

I just submitted an application (a few minutes prior to your reply).

&gt; 3. Remember that qualification in the topic is not the
&gt; major part we are looking for. Qualification as an editor
&gt; is far more important. Check your spelink, generate good
&gt; descriptions, submit apropriate examples of your future
&gt; work that fit into the category.

I screwed up a little - the second example I gave would really have belonged to the irc subcategory.

&gt; 5) For the expanded version of this, read the advice
&gt; given in the "Become an editor" section.

Thank you, I will.
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