status :



Oh no............ I just read in another post, if you RE-SUBMIT you go back to the bottom........

I just resubmitted the other day... ah well maybe in 3 months eh? have fun guys!


Curlie Meta
Jan 21, 2003
It's in there awaiting review, but it says it was submitted 3 days ago.

[Edited] You figured it out faster than I did. It only sends you "to the bottom" if the editor steadfastly works on the oldest first.


Thanks for checking it for me, appreciate your time. I wish I knew that , before I resubmitted, Would like to kick myself, because of the importance of this link, arghhh!! <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Checking back to see where Im at or possibly have been declined and not emailed, thank you very much for your time!


Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

Thanks for checking that, we recieve about 20 orders a day, I just checked the shopping cart is working flawlessly.

Can you get back to me on this&gt;?

Thank you


Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

I submitted to

Almost 4 months ago it seems

I submitted below recently
Like a month ago, just to get some kind of listing to DMOZ, while waiting for my main link to

Can you give me the status on the listing to



Nov 6, 2002
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

Thanks, motsa! It looks like everybody's mistyping that category name.

Meanwhile, back at the topic.

The site is awaiting review in that category, the url of which I'm not going to try to enter again, along with a moderate number of other submissions.

But the shopping cart still doesn't come up with my Mozilla browser. There may be something in there that only works with Microsoft browsers. I'd really want to look into that if I were you. Most people use IE, so you may only lose a few customers, but if the reviewing editor is using a browser that your site doesn't support ...


Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

Oh I see what you mean. Because I have pretty much checked everything with IE and Netscape, never thought of doing it in Mozilla.

In looking in my logs I have 49 out of 2,666,934 hits for "MOOZILLA" I talked with my website designer, he said to make it compatable with the 1% or less of all browsers, and make the site 100% compatable with every browseer would cost me another $20,000. I only paid $5000 for the basic site, and I did all the filler.

Do I have to do this? Im trying to weigh this, $20,000 worth of adwords or be compatable with 1% more?

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Nov 6, 2002
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

We really can't help you with site design issues. A cost/benefit analysis of browser compatability is way, way outside our scope.

I will say that the percentage of Mozilla users seems to be higher among ODP editors than it is in the general population. And no editor will review what they can't see.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

&gt;&gt;Thanks, motsa! It looks like everybody's mistyping that category name.

Dangnabbit!!! Deleted too much from the URL. It's been corrected. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

OK, first of all, modern Netscape (e.g. Netscape 7.x) is Mozilla, with a little Netscape advertising stuck in. Making a website compatible with Netscape should almost always make it compatible with Mozilla.

But, more to the point, what Mozilla are you guys using? The shopping cart works fine in Mozilla 1.3 (Unix). If it works in Netscape, it most likely works in Mozilla 1.0 (I think 1.0 and 1.0.1 are the latest versions that Netscape has used -- but someone please correct me if I'm wrong).


Aug 2, 2002
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

&gt;&gt; I talked with my website designer, he said to make it [...] 100% compatable with every browseer would cost me another $20,000. &lt;&lt;

Get another web designer.

Professional web designers write code that will work on any current browser, it isn't difficult to do. If they aren't capapble of following web design standards, and they didn't bother to tell you that some customers wouldn't be able to see your site, why should you trust them with any more of your business?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

&gt;Professional web designers write code that will work on any current browser, it isn't difficult to do.

No, it isn't difficult. But ... "professional" just means you get paid for it, it doesn't mean you have a clue. A competant web designer may not be that easy to find. Now, I'm a Mozilla user, and if your site doesn't work under Mozilla, and you don't warn me up front that your web designer is a Font-Plague-wielding dufus, I will probably delete your submittal with a note "non-functional."

If you post the "Intelligent surfers stay back, FPWD at work" message, I'll stay back and leave the submittal for some younger, braver, more foolish ODP editor with less valuable content to risk on his computer.

Your choice.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

&gt;&gt; "professional" just means you get paid for it, it doesn't mean you have a clue &lt;&lt;

Ah yes, my mistake. I keep forgetting that "professional" just means 'someone that engages in an activity as a profession' (ie. someone that makes money out of doing something). This is how we can have "professional criminals", and "professional fraudsters".

Please re-read my post substituting the word 'competent' for 'professional'.


Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

Get another web designer.

Professional web designers write code that will work on any current browser, it isn't difficult to do. If they aren't capapble of following web design standards, and they didn't bother to tell you that some customers wouldn't be able to see your site, why should you trust them with any more of your business?

Thank you DFY, sound advice, I appreciate it!

Now, I downloaded "Mozilla" it was 1.3 surfed my site bought 1 item, bought 10 items, worked Flawlessly.

So I downloaded the latest 1.4b? Anyway surfed my site again bought 1 item, bought 10 items.

Mozilla is working 100% perfect on my website. So I dont know what is up, I am not an expert in websites at all. I know a bit about Windows and Browsers, I really think we need a browser Cache delete, then re-surf my site.

Thank you all for your very helpful comments, The $20,000 was to make it 100% compatable with every browser known to man, i think my designer was as frustrated as me, when he made the quote, and I appologize for coming off Sarcastic.

Thank you again!


May 26, 2002
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

I note that you posted on another forum (WW) and were told that there were lots of obvious coding errors in the site. There are automated online tools that can give you a list of the errors in a matter of seconds. Try for starters. The ODP does not insist on you using valid code or anything even remotely resembling HTML on your site, but everything you can do to make the code better will result in a better experience for your visitors. A teed off surfer isn't going to be a buyer, he's going to be an ex-visitor.

Another USD 20 000? Hmmmm. Ask your designer about this [result] and this other [result] as I don't think you have had your moneys worth yet, for what you already paid out.


Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c

Thank you very much, I have used that, good to know!

Thats nothing you should have seen when I started with the site. I had him move the Doctype to the top, where it should be, but his "coding" didnt like that starting doing crazy things to my portion of the site that I control, throwing my headers of to the left, total uncontrolable things like that.

I wish i could remove all the gaps in the code aswell, and line 569 , my next web site(in 2 weeks) I will have complete control over the code, its being done by someone else, then Ill do all the "filler" again.

The site does however for the surfer work just fine, we get many compliments on its ease of navigation, I havent seen any real errors due to these coding problems, visually that is.

Thank you again for your great advice!
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