Status -


Mar 8, 2004
[readme]x[/readme] We need a clickable link to the category you submitted it to, but read the rest of the instructions, as well.

For what it's worth, you might be listed in both the appropriate topical category and in the category for the Locality in which you are actually located. Please consider submitting to both if your business isn't already listed.


Apr 8, 2004
Hello, Tia, I cannot edit in the category you suggested your site, so someone else will have to give you the status.

However, I think you may have missed arubin's suggestion. I did not review your site and neither can I edit in the Regional category provided. But I did take a quick look at your site, and as arubin suggested, I think you should suggest your site to the regional category linked below. It will have no impact whatsoever on your first suggestion and once again as arubin said you may end up with two listings. Please suggest the site here:

Good Luck! :)

Oh I almost forgot, the way you find a previous thread that you posted in is to click on your own user name then click on find all posts by. Or if in the main forum, you can click on your user name at the bottom and it will take you to your profile and it has a link to all posts there also. Hope this helps.
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