
I am so excited that I found this forum! I have tried 4 times (8-23-02, 12-5-02, 1-13-03, 5-18-03) to submit the following. I would greatly appreciate if anyone can advise of the status, errors I have made, or if should I re-apply.


CATEGORY: Business: Business Services: Event Planning and Production.

TITLE: Executive Visions Inc: event planning, concert production, corporate meetings, broadcast television

DESCRIPTION: EVI is producer/company providing strategy, design, event planning, production and staging of concerts, celebrity entertainment events, broadcast television, corporate meetings, product launches, training programs, marketing communications, and multi-media.

Thanks in advance!! Charles


Mar 26, 2002
252 is the clickable category (otherwise, it takes 3 or 4 times as long for an editor to get to the category, and might dissuade them from doing the status check).

It is a big unreviewed queue. Your site submitted on 5 Mar 03 (did you forget that submission?) is waiting for review with more than 10 dozens others.

No trace of older submissions, remember new submission will overwrite older ones. Oh, your better described 17 May 03 submission is to a deeplink of your site, merging the duplicate.

Thanks for the advice. I will re-post since when I try to edit the original post it says: This post can no longer be edited because the maximum edit time has expired


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Not quite sure why you felt you needed to repost your original query (it isn't necessary to update it to say that you'd submitted 5 times, if that is what you were worried about) -- you've already been given the status of your submission and that is that is waiting for review in that category. No need to resubmit or ask again. The site will be reviewed eventually. You may check on the status again (here in this thread so bookmark it) in a calendar month or more (I'd recommend you wait at least a couple of months before coming back here, given the number of submissions waiting to be reviewed in that category).

Just thought I'd correct the quantity since a member told me that I had posted the additional time. I was just informed how to reuse my original thread and add a new post to the end of that thread. Sorry that I reposted. I will check back in a month or so. Thanks! Charles Marto


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Well, that didn't bump your thread up. In any case, your site is still waiting to be reviewed. It's likely going to be awhile yet as the number of sites waiting has increased a fair bit.


Hi There:
What does that mean "kickstarting thread"? Am I doing something wrong? If so I do not mean to. Please advise. Also, is is normal to have to wait this long, my 1st submission was on 8-23-02. Respectfully, Charles


Nov 6, 2002
You did nothing wrong. Motsa was doing you the favor of posting to bring your thread up to the top of the page because it had apparently been missed.

We make absolutely no promises or predictions about when (or whether) a site will be listed. And we most assuredly do not list anything faster for having seen it mentioned here. Down that road lies chaos.

Your best course of action now is to wait patiently, checking back here every few months if that improves your peace of mind.

[added] Make that attempting to bring the thread up. Some kind of bug seems to be trying to bury it.



Thanks for your help. By the way did you see our site? We just won our 1st primetime Emmy for a TV music special we produced. Best Regards, Charles


Thanks for explaining. I'll keep hoping that one day we will be listed. By the way, what could that bug be that keeps burying us? Could there be a competitor that is trying to keep us out of the directory?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
He means there's a strange bug that is keeping this thread from appearing where it should in the list of recent threads (that's what he meant about you getting buried). There is no competitor keeping you out of the directory and nothing else you can do except come back here every month (or better yet every couple of months) to check on the status. I'd recommend you start a new thread next time as this one just doesn't seem to be behaving right -- ordinarily, we ask people to keep using the same thread but in this case, this thread isn't really working properly.
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