

Sep 13, 2004


Jan 23, 2003
I was looking at this request and could not help but notice that you also have: which is discussed in a

And this makes me wonder if you don't really have a single business that you are spreading across multiple domains (which is your right) but you are also trying to submit these different domains -- which may well amount to directory abuse.

It seems to me that your main company site is, which is really the only site that should be considered for a listing and that all of the others (based on some preliminary research), including:

I'm too tired to search for more.

Would you care to address this?


Sep 13, 2004
pre reply to topic!

The first thing I need to clarify with you before I give you a fairly long-winded answer from globel company standpoint (that cannot be avoided) is:

1. Each resource has it’s own merits i.e. is designed specifically for all resources for free stuff i.e. someone looking for some cosmetics would not go to the free counters site looking for a counter for their WebPage (which has an extensive FAQ all about free counters and IS for free counters only), they are both completely different sites and require completely different listings as they are completely different resources, some sites like webmaster tools are physically on completely different servers because of their pure size each site is designed to expand considerably on it’s specific topic and area of interest, are you saying that dmoz does not want to list completely unrelated content on completely different sites and domains? Are you asking me to create a doorway to all the other sites?

2. Some of the domains you have listed have not and would not have been applied for on your directory, as they are all to do with the same domain anyway? I.e. webmaster-tool and webmaster-toolsite

3. Finally for now! From what you are saying

MusicMoz - Open Music Project. Collection of information and links, related to the Open Directory Project.
-- Arts: Music: Directories (1)

ChefMoz - Project Home.
-- Computers: Internet: Searching: Directories: Open Directory Project: Tools for Editors: ChefMoz Editors (96)
Registrant Name:Netscape Communications Corporation
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street1:466 Ellis Street
Registrant City:Mountain View
Registrant State/Province:
Registrant Postal Code:94043
Registrant Country:US

Should not be listed because they are to do with the same company:

Open Directory Project - Help build the most comprehensive human-reviewed directory of the web.
-- Computers: Internet: Searching: Directories: Open Directory Project (604)
Registrant Name:Netscape Communications Corporation
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street1:466 Ellis Street
Registrant City:Mountain View
Registrant State/Province:
Registrant Postal Code:94043
Registrant Country:US

Is this correct?


Jan 23, 2003
Are you asking me to create a doorway to all the other sites?

Since, in our view, all of your other sites are interrelated, yes. Create a single doorway website that lets surfers click through to visit your other site and we will consider that for listing.

Some of the domains you have listed have not and would not have been applied for on your directory

Perhaps by you or your company, but anyone can submit any site, which is why we look at the totality of your web presence.

Finally for now! From what you are saying...

And your point is?


Sep 13, 2004
spectregunner said:
Since, in our view, all of your other sites are interrelated, yes. Create a single doorway website that lets surfers click through to visit your other site and we will consider that for listing.

Perhaps by you or your company, but anyone can submit any site, which is why we look at the totality of your web presence.

And your point is?

And my point is! Perhaps the directory should practice what it preaches? Dmoz has at least two listings of which originate from the same sole company? Or is it one rule for one (dmoz) in this open directory project?

BTW. You have asked me to Address this, and the content of this post does so, I do not understand why my sites cannot be listed under the respective catogarys without doorway pages which BTW from google point of view is a no, no and in your submission terms. Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address? What on earth would i call this page this would certainly cause confusion to the user? Again a no, no in your terms!

I have not finished actually! Globel Limited and Dreamsight limited are two separate entities (companies) check this if you like at companies house site UK! that own separate parts of and/or separate sites, there are also a few independents proprietors involved but for now I am more interested in your answers to my questions on a way forward as representative and obviously for future interest ;~)

I.e. webmaster-tool is owned by Globel but the globel site cannot be listed in any directory and has robot txt files to suite. So as far as I can tell this is ok in your book!

Free counters and free stuff although unrelated is run by dreamsight limited etc. although the sites have been generalised.

How (in “dmoz” view) are the sites related? Is it then Just purely pivoted on this single company or individual status fact of owning the same sites, I am sorry I cannot see the relation between a free site and a counter site other than the possibility that they may be owned by the same company in some fashion, could you please quote where it say’s this in your terms?

From what you are saying one company could own a shoe shop and an ice-cream shop and with these rules could only list one of them; in my view “as an individual” this does not make a complete directory as the products (not the company) are completely different!


P.S. actually out of interest may i bring another question into this debate;~)
If you type into your engine, how many listings do you get? “Quite a few” also not just under the same company but also under several different sub domains under the same domain? Going on your explanation this is a bit naughty! Or is this acceptable as they are a bigger company;~)


Oct 17, 2004
paulgee said:
And my point is! Perhaps the directory should practice what it preaches? Dmoz has at least two listings of which originate from the same sole company? Or is it one rule for one (dmoz) in this open directory project?

BTW. You have asked me to Address this, and the content of this post does so, I do not understand why my sites cannot be listed under the respective catogarys without doorway pages which BTW from google point of view is a no, no and in your submission terms. Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address? What on earth would i call this page this would certainly cause confusion to the user? Again a no, no in your terms!

I have not finished actually! Globel Limited and Dreamsight limited are two separate entities (companies) check this if you like at companies house site UK! that own separate parts of and/or separate sites, there are also a few independents proprietors involved but for now I am more interested in your answers to my questions on a way forward as representative and obviously for future interest ;~)

I.e. webmaster-tool is owned by Globel but the globel site cannot be listed in any directory and has robot txt files to suite. So as far as I can tell this is ok in your book!

Free counters and free stuff although unrelated is run by dreamsight limited etc. although the sites have been generalised.

How (in “dmoz” view) are the sites related? Is it then Just purely pivoted on this single company or individual status fact of owning the same sites, I am sorry I cannot see the relation between a free site and a counter site other than the possibility that they may be owned by the same company in some fashion, could you please quote where it say’s this in your terms?

From what you are saying one company could own a shoe shop and an ice-cream shop and with these rules could only list one of them; in my view “as an individual” this does not make a complete directory as the products (not the company) are completely different!


This is the largest human edited database on the Internet - moreover it is edited by volunteers some of whom spend their time reading posts like yours and taking the effort to respond.

It is unfortunate in some respecst that Google ranks DMOZ listed sites so favourably because then there wouldn't be certain individuals attempting to exploit DMOZ to obtain a higher Google ranking for their own financial gain. This wastes their time which could be used to continue improving DMOZ as an information source rather than an internet marketplace.

So please don't waste their time. It's obvious what you're up to. Pay for a listing elsewhere if that's what you want to do. And don't give us Brits a bad name.

P.S. actually out of interest may i bring another question into this debate;~)
If you type into your engine, how many listings do you get? “Quite a few” also not just under the same company but also under several different sub domains under the same domain? Going on your explanation this is a bit naughty! Or is this acceptable as they are a bigger company;~)

DMOZ is not Google! DMOZ search returns 3 matches for about cybersquatting.


Sep 13, 2004
TO: pingu7931
The DMOZ editors and moderators have had the ability and courtesy through their own experience to explain this to me without a label, and with a “not necessarily so”! I would ask you to do the same without pointing fingers or turning this into a squabble! My innocence to this fact obscured my understanding of it; amongst our group there are very many sites with very many editors, some of our sites are very huge and independent!

For your information: this is not a huge marketing campaign for financial gain, most of our sites are free and in most cases the time is given freely to our various projects and already have very good rankings with search engines without much aid from other sources, that does not mean that we do not wish to be listed by the DMOZ directory though as any independent site or sites would, our structure in this instance is the problem and cannot be changed.

Could you and anyone else who does not have authority to do so other than editors or moderators refrain from using this thread with their unfounded accusations please! I would also think this is not the intention of DMOZ in this area.

Please note I will NOT answer any more like this!


Jan 23, 2003
You have asked me to Address this, and the content of this post does so, I do not understand why my sites cannot be listed under the respective catogarys without doorway pages which BTW from google point of view is a no, no and in your submission terms. Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address? What on earth would i call this page this would certainly cause confusion to the user?

Let's try this again as I sense that we are using the same/different workds with the same/different meanings.

What we are suggesting is quite simple. Create a single URL that contains links to all of your other URL as if they were simply pages. Big companies do this all the time -- their content is spread across multiple servers but they have a single URL that provides (among other things) access to all of their other web pages/URLs. This has absolutely nothing to do with redirects. This does not violate any Google rules (not that we care one way or the other).

We really don't care if you have 2 URLs, 20 URLs, 200 URLs or 2,000 URLs -- we are going to list one and if you don't care enough to link the other URLs to that one page, that is not our concern - but we will not list your other URLs simply because you do not choose to have them all interconnected in a single place.

Are there exceptions to these rules -- sure, there are exceptions to all rules. Can you spend hour scouring the directory to find exceptions or instances where we have granted multiple listings -- sure, but that does not mean we are going to do it again, so don't waste your time.
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