

Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Submission: The submission is waiting with a hand full of others to be reviewed.

Application: No applications are turned down automatically, all are reviewed by a meta-editor. Possible reasons can be found in the sticky post in the "Become an editor" forum.


Thanks for the quick reply! I am defintely interested in becoming an editor once my site has been accepted, I did note that my pending addition to the category was the reason that I was denied the opportunity to edit the category. Thanks for your help, and keep up the good work!

PS- I am still interested in becoming an editor, even if it isn't in my category. I read through some of the posts in the "Become an Editor" section, but I was still a little confused about the guidelines. Is there a page on the DMOZ site that explains it all? Thanks again!



Coming back again to check the status of my submission for . It's been 3 months since I first submitted the site to DMOZ, and almost 2 months since I first inquired about the status of my submission. The category that I would like to be placed in is . Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" />



Okay, this is ridiculous. I've been VERY patient, waiting since March for an editor to come around and decide to update . I waited and waited and posted on this forum a few times inquiring about it, and I was just told to wait some more. That's fine, I understand that the category hadn't been updated since 2/19/03. I just left it alone and went back to check today, and saw that the category had been updated last month and I wasn't added! On top of that, I didn't even get an email saying anything had changed! I can't believe it. After 5 months of waiting, I don't even get a courtesy email saying I wasn't included. Just a snub. Please tell me what I can do to find out what went wrong. You can post a reply or email me at . Thanks.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
1) We do not send out mails, neither to listed nor to rejected sites as a matter of policy.

2) Your site was moved to,_DC/Arts_and_Entertainment/Music/DJs by the reviewing editor, where it meanwhile is published. Due to our update problems concerning the public HTML it may be invisible until the issue is solved, I didn't check if it is visible yet.

3) Keep in mind we all are doing this stuff on a voluntary basis in our spare time, so please rethink the tone in which you address us. Thank you.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Evan, that the category got a new Last Updated date means that an editor did one or more of these things:

Added one or more sites from the Unreviewed pool
Added one or more sites found by browsing the web
Fixed an existing listing -- corrected a typo, updated an URL, added to a description...
Removed one or more dead sites from the category, or moved a site to another category
Added a link from the cat to another category, such as the equivalent cat in another language
Removed spammy site suggestions from the Unreviewed pool

We can't know which of these things happened, but all of these things and half a dozen others will result in the page updating, and getting a new Last Updated date. And even if an editor does add sites from the Unreviewed pool, very often s/he won't add all of them...

This aside, your site was added to,_DC/Arts_and_Entertainment/Music/DJs/ two days ago. As you may have seen from other threads, the update of the public pages is a little behind at present. As soon as the pages update you'll be able to see your site there.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It sounds like you're surprised that you didn't get an e-mail when ... nothing happened ... with your site. I must be misunderstanding something, because if we sent mail to all of them whenever we did anything to one of them, we'd be bigger spammers than Spamford Wallace and all the descendents of Nigerian warlords put together. Just do the math: 3,000 category updates per day times half-a-million unreviewed submittals!

I've done something VERY unusual (for me) this week. I picked an underdeveloped category and resolved to review ALL the sites, without exception, and list them in ALL the places they should go. If I can view it with a standard-conforming browser, and read it with an English-only brainstem, then I'm reviewing it (listing if appropriate.) If you had a submittal in a subcategory there, and you see "page updated", you'll know your site was reviewed, and if it's not listed you can know I ain't gonna list it.

You may be assuming that's what every editor does every day, but I can't remember the last time I did it in any significant-sized category -- it is NOT the normal mode of operation for the most active editors.


Thank you for looking into this for me, I appreciate it. Sorry if I came across as being nasty, I wasn't trying to be, this has just been incredibly frustrating for me since it's been going on since March. I understand that all of you are volunteers and it's a long process, the thing that was frustrating to me was the fact that you (the editors who care and post on this board and take this seriously) can't really do anything about the editors (like the one for my category) who don't. I appreciate the help, and I'm glad that I'll at least be listed somewhere in the directory. Thanks for the time that you put into looking this up for me, and good luck.


Trust me, the people who edit in Maryland and DC do care. They're volunteers, after all -- they've no reason to do this if they didn't care. One of them was kind enough to move your site into a more correct category, another to review and list it.

Look around -- there are lots of editors working hard to improve the directory, and there are many things they're busy doing (sheesh, including reviewing your site!).

If you want to make a difference, do a little research and apply to be an editor.

Best of luck to you too. And please try to be polite. :)
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