By unparsing you managed to avoid creating clickable links however:
The description for that category says
Please submit to only one locality -
the one where your business is located, as
your site will only be listed once - and use the following formatting:
Therefore, that URL will not be listed, since you are trying to list a house for sale at that
Region, not a real estate business.
You are also trying to list a page within a site, and that is only allowed by editor discretion. If that page was accepted, we would have allow every page within
In addition you submitted your page to Regional/Central_America - which says
Very few sites belong in this category. If your site concerns only one country in Central America, please submit it to an appropriate category under that country. If your site concerns a particular aspect of more than one Central American country, please submit it under a subject category.
Both submssions have been deleted.