

Jun 18, 2004
Please let me know the status of , submitted to

I have not waited the required month since my last submission to post here. Had I found this site sooner, I would have posted here vs resubmitting. At this time I have no reason to believe my site will be included because of my last submission. The categories I have tried submitting to do not have active editors. Many of the listed sites have invalid urls.

More specifically I would like to know if my website does not meet the criteria to be included in DMOZ. This small piece of information would save myself and the editors much time.

I have been trying to get my website back into dmoz since I purchased my domain name over 2 years ago. My site was previously listed.

I believe my website would be a valueable addition to the ODP. I don't make any money from my website, and I only wish to help other people with similar interests.

Any information would be appreciated.



Apr 15, 2003
Since you did not wait the required month, this is a general answer about all your submissions.

I see a continued history of submisions being received and deleted since they were duplicates. Thats happened in at least 4 different categories. Is remains waiting for review in at least two of those categories .At some point an editor will review and accept or deny it.

There is no need to submit again.

I cannot answer any of those other questions, since I have not looked at your site, those are decisions to be made by the reviewing editor.


Jun 18, 2004
Thank you for the quick response. At least now I know it's not my meta tags or something silly and I can quit changing things. :cool:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>At least now I know it's not my meta tags or something silly and I can quit changing things.

Where do these ideas get started?

Look, it's a HUMAN-EDITED directory. People look at your website to see what's there. If there IS something, we look for a good place to put it.

If there ISN'T anything, then the slickest META tags in the pond aren't going to help!

But your deranged thrashing may have hurt your site. Here's how. If a site is obviously not appropriate for my category, and it's already been reviewed in a dozen other categories, am I going to look for a place to put it? No, I'm going to assume the submitter is another drive-by Thompson spammer, and I'll delete this submittal also -- thus adding to the gestank of the site's reputation. Now if the submitter has submachine-gunned almost every category BUT overlooked the right place, the submittal may accidentally never get reviewed BECAUSE of the submittal practice. What does the submittal policy say about this, huh? Repeated submittals hurt you, and that is true EVEN WHEN THE EDITORS AREN'T TRYING TO PUNISH YOU!

The only way an editor can know whether a site is listable is to review it. The way you ask for a review is to suggest it to some appropriate category. You've done that.

So: now you can check back in six months to see the new status (if it hasn't been listed by then.) For most submitters, it really doesn't make sense to check back: the site has been received, and it will eventually get reviewed.

In your case, DEFINITELY check back. If there is a history of, ahem, aggressive submitting, then there is much greater danger of ALL submittals being deleted, when one submittal should have been left for review. If that has happened by then, we can fix it.


Jun 18, 2004
As I stated previously, I've been trying for 2 years now. I haven't machine gunned any of the sub categories. I have however used some utilities that may have done so without my knowledge, or quite possibly other people have submitted on my behalf. I really don't know. Which is why I posted here. I only wish I had found this forum sooner.

I mentioned meta tags for lack of a better example. The point was, I didn't know if something.....anything...was wrong. I think it's safe to assume that my category is lacking an editor. I'm just happy to know it wasn't "rejected" for some reason. I will not submit again.

I already have good search engine placement, so it's not totally about higher placement. I just wanted my website listed with other 4wd websites for the benefit of all.

So I'll part once again with a thank you for you time. I do appreciate your comments.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The site is still waiting in the first category.

The only right perspective is this: all the sites on the web are in front of it, and in front of the editor. The good news is, you never know when an editor will shuffle the queue.

Really, there is no queue, there is no front, there is no back. There are no priorities other than what each of our dedicated surfers (i.e. editors) make for themselves. And submitting is only one of many ways into the totally unordered heap of "sites possibly ready to be reviewed", so the number of submittals tells you nothing (except, maybe, how busy the spammers were that day.)
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