status of



Thanks for the response. If this is the overall consensus (that this is an affiliate site) what could I do (or add) to allow it to fit into the guidelines. We are in the process of writing 1 page bios for all the artists that are having prints on our site. Would these (should be about 20+ pages) be enough helpful original content? I am not sure the site is actually an affiliate (I am checking with the site owner right now), but assuming it is, is the site a total DMOZ lost cause?

Thanks for your helpful responses.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>assuming it is an affiliate, is the site a total DMOZ lost cause?

Not to be a total lost cause, it has to look so much like not-affiliate that most users could happily surf the site and achieve satisfactory results (information or entertainment) without ever conceiving the idea of purchasing anything.

If this, as I suspect, conflicts with the owner's goals, then he should go his own way--but allow the ODP the same privilege.


Thanks for the response. I do however have one question, which is still concerning me. I am not trying to be difficult, I am just curious.

From what I know, the site in question ( gets all their prints from a wholesaler, like any other store. That is what a store is, the collect the products and resell them. Is that what makes it an affiliate?

It is not part of a network of art shops that share prints and content. This is a stand-alone site. It passed the affiliate test for FROOGLE and all the prints are listed there.

The first editor who commented said that there are hundreds of sites with these same prints on the web. That is true I'm sure. If this is the determining factor, you are not really disallowing affiliates, rather limiting the number of stores for a specific topic. If this is the case (you don't want sites with similar content), why don't you just list eBay and have it be the shopping category and be done with it? The reason is fairly obvious... because each individual store offers something at a more affordable price or a higher quality item or has a better deal on shipping.

I am not complaining, I am very aware that you don't have to accept this or any other site for whatever reason you want. I just wonder if you are missing out on some great sites that are easy to navigate and well designed that your users might be interested in checking out.

Again, I anticipate your response and hope it helps me to understand the ODP's position more clearly. Again, I am very sorry if I am sounding upset or difficult, I am just trying to figure out how this works. I appreciate your time and thank you in advance.

Kyle :tree:
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