Thanks for taking the time to review my site.
I've noticed occasionally the editors do provide additonal commentary if a question is raised about the returned status, so If you could comment a bit further to help out a newbie with his first site it would be greatly appreciated.
Specifically I don't understand "unique content" in relation to the topic I submitted to and the site I submitted. For instance:
A quick look at this page shows 120 or so pages of content, which is more than some of the pages currently listed in this topic in the directory.
Also, this site's information is definitely "unique" because it would be the only one in the directory which rss syndicates it's excel information along with providing some tips not found on the other sites.
I was just dissapointed with the status returned, and thought for sure after reviewing the directory I submitted to and thought meeting the goals outlined
here I would be accepted. (especially in relation to some of the sites currently listed there, 2 of which are dead links(at least this evening))
Any suggestions or constructive criticism are very welcomed.
Once again, Thank You.