Status of Editor Application Please



Hi, I am just wondering if my application was received and if so rejected or not. The area was for -
Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Queensland: Municipalities: Brisbane City.

Dajuroka :question:

All advice appreciated.

I'm not a meta, and can't tell if your application is pending.

Normally you should get an email to let you know whether or not you have been accepted.

That said when you chose your sample URL's that is quite a difficult category to choose sites for.

Applying for the Municipality does not allow you to edit in the Localities within the Municipality. As such the only sites you should suggest are for those businesses that have multiple locations within the Municipality, and none outside the Municipality.

For instance 'Place Estate Agents' are listed in as they have branches in Bulimba and West End. If they only had a single office they would be listed in the appropriate locality instead.

If you are rejected this time, I would suggest applying for a Locality category to get a grounding on the way Regional organises sites. Just to let you know that Brisbane_CBD is probably going to be too large for a new editor with c300 sites.

I'd encourage you to choose any suburb that you can find sites for from local newspapers etc. Once you have a few edits under your belt, it's relatively easy to move to other localities, and up to larger ones.

Sorry if this is a bit long and doesn't really answer your question. Just trying to recruit new Oz editors :D



Mar 25, 2002
How long ago did you apply for this category? I'm not seeing any applications for that area at all. Did you receive the confirmation e-mail that you are required to reply to? You need to reply to that e-mail for your application to move into the queue. Try applying again. Listen to gimmster's advice :)


I find the whole system very frustrating. Having now chosen a new topic
Top: Health: Medicine: Informatics and submitting my application five times (keeps timing out for some reason) it eventually went somewhere, I fixed up my password and then it said you cannot make two applications at one time. This makes me wonder if my previous application is in there somewhere.
I am not sure I will try again for a while. This experience occured about a year ago as well. You type as fast as you can on the submission page knowing there is a high chance it will not go anywhere when you submit and then you have to type it all again (errors and all). We should be able to email an editor application for consideration. Script forms are terrible for long delays.

Anyhow enough gripes. I will just surf for a while and see what develops.
I still support the ODP just don't like the communication system (maybe something to do with international ISPs not the ODP). :question:


May 26, 2002
>> You type as fast as you can on the submission page knowing there is a high chance it will not go anywhere when you submit and then you have to type it all again (errors and all). <<

>> Script forms are terrible for long delays. <<

The smart money is on potential editors who have a text editor on their computer and know how to use cut and paste -- you'll need to do that a lot as an editor, moving information from form to form. The editing interface is all form based. If you hate forms, then don't become an editor! :shocked:


Ouch, they weren't wrong about Editor's Tonguelashings! I humbly reply (prone on floor, head down) that even with cut and paste (I have been using PCs since the TRS-80 and AppleII plus)it seems that the timing out is still a problem. Maybe it is my broadband supplier in Australia, though I do note getting onto the ODP site fails something like 2 out of 5 hits. Honestly I do not think all is as it should be on the site. Anyhow I will try once more tonight. Thanks for the encouragement.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
The problems are known and they are nothing editors could do anything about. Staff is working on a solution and both you and us can not do anything but wait for them to succeed.


Thanks. I have just tried again (with lots of cut and past) and once again received the message:
Sorry, you can only have one application at a time. I understood (see earlier discussions) that my previous submission to work on the municipality of Brisbane City wasn't registered. Maybe it was?

I tried to volunteer this time for: Category: Health: Medicine: Informatics: Academic.

Oh well will give it a month or so and try again. Tropical island break sounds good :tree:


Mar 25, 2002
As I mentioned before, did you receive and reply to the confirmation e-mail on your original application. If you didn't reply to a confirmation e-mail then your application is going to be in limbo and you won't be able to apply again using the same e-mail address. If you didn't receive a confirmation e-mail then we will have to get tech support to re-issue the confirmation e-mail for you to reply to.


May 26, 2002
Umm, apologies if you thought that was a lashing. It wasn't meant to be. I just picked up on the bit where you said:

and then you have to type it all again

and thought that was completely unecessary; cut and paste to your text editor makes it easy to resubmit the whole lot in under one minute should the need arise.


I do not recall getting an email confirmation. While I am careful I do get megaspam and may have deleted over it particularly if the title was not obvious. However I do not think I received it. If you can 'reset' me or whatever I would appreciate it. I am sorry to be a nuisance and will stop bothering you from now on. Thanks for the courtesy of your time.



I'll finish this thread by saying I finally have become an editor. Thanks to everyone. Probably will not get back to this forum much. If you want to watch my feeble efforts as a newbie (... this is not easy....) then welcome to Health/Medicine/Informatics/Academic a good place to start. Maybe I'll bookmark my suburb and see how I go!

CYA all {moz}


May 26, 2002
Welcome aboard. Don't forget to read as much as you can from the internal forums, editor guidleines, and so on before you wade into the editing.
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