Status of editor application


Apr 14, 2004
Suggesting URL names seems to be hard

Dear Donald,
Thank you for your reply.

I received the following reply from the reviewer, it seems I have errors in naming the urls that I suggest. I attempted to read the guidelines link provided below but I think it is only accessible to editors, I would appreciate if you can provide me another source:
"Hello Atat,

While we are always looking for new editors, I am afraid we cannot accept your application at this time due to the titles and/or descriptions from your sample URLs. I sincerely hope you will re-apply in the near future.

To improve your chances for acceptance into the project, please suggest 3 urls relevant to the category requested. The three urls should be from different sites and follow the guidelines in for instance, the titles should be the title of the site or the firm/organization as appropriate, and the descriptions should describe the site-- not review it-- free of marketing language and first or second person verbiage. Your spelling, capitalization, and sentence structure are also being evaluated.

Good luck. "

Best regards,

donaldb said:
It looks like that application was denied.


Mar 25, 2002
All I can tell you is that your application is waiting to be reviewed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.