Status of


Apr 15, 2004
I would like to know the status of my request for correction in the category:
My URL is now, but I have been requesting correction since January to the listing, which has my old address: I have also submitted corrected content (including to a typo on the word 'independent') which I would like to know the status of. (The content is correct in my listing under:

I would also like to know the status of my request for submission to the catelgory: submitted at the same time.


Jan 23, 2003
I haven't looked at anything other than your posting, but it is nto very likely that you would get listed in both of the Business categories you are asking about.

Which of the two is the best single category for your site (based on the contents of your site) ?


In the Regional category:
Typo fixed, your request to change url was not accepted as the old address worked when checked.


Apr 15, 2004

spectregunner said:
I haven't looked at anything other than your posting, but it is nto very likely that you would get listed in both of the Business categories you are asking about.

Which of the two is the best single category for your site (based on the contents of your site) ?

If I need to pick between the 2 categories of Business: Construction and Maintenance: Design: Kitchen and Bath & Business: Construction and Maintenance: Remodeling: Kitchen and Bath, I would choose design. But I design kitchens & baths for remodeling. I see that another designer who I know does the same type of work I do is listed under both categories.


Apr 15, 2004

gimmster said:
In the Regional category:
Typo fixed, your request to change url was not accepted as the old address worked when checked.

Thank you for fixing the typo. I don't see that it is fixed yet. Does it take time for the fix to show?

I'm noticing that I am listed in the category Regional: North America: United States: California: Localities: S: San Francisco: Business and Economy: Construction and Maintenance: Architects, when I should be in the category Regional: North America: United States: California: Localities: S: San Francisco: Business and Economy: Construction and Maintenance. I am a kitchen & bath designer, not an architect. Can you move me up one level?

I know that the old address gets redirected to my website, but my correct URL does not have the WWW, & it is my understanding that having the DMOZ listing point to my old URL affects the links that are counted, which affects my ranking. Could you please change the listing to my correct URL?


It can take a few days to show, but it appears correct to me on the public page.

Description of the Architects Category - Businesses in San Francisco offering design services in the field of construction. - whilst I'm not sure that won't change in future, it seems to fit your business as you do not actually do either construction or maintenance.

As for rankings we officially do not care. All we are concerned about is listing content. As the existing address works, and is not a redirect we will not change it. You can either set up a redirect and submit another update request, or just accept it the way it is. (Search on 301 permanently moved)

We won't start doing this because if we do one, someone else will want theirs changed as well - times a million plus sites that are attempting some kind of SEO. Although it's not a common practice some users actually have different content on each version of the URL as well, adding to the potential for changes to be invalid.



Apr 15, 2004

First, I just looked at my listing again, & the typo is still there: the word 'independent' is spelled incorrectly as follows: 'independant'. I'm not sure if you just aren't noticing the typo, or I'm not seeing what you are seeing.

Second, since there isn’t a kitchen & bath category, & I’m not an architect, & since everyone else in the architect category has architectural training, I don’t think I should be in the architectural category. I do the same thing that Kitchen Artworks does, & that firm is listed in the Construction & Maintenance category. What do I need to do to move up to the construction & maintenance category?

Third, although you may not officially care about rank, it is the main reason I’m trying to get listed correctly. What do I need to do to set up a ‘redirect’? Will that let my website be listed with it’s correct name?


Apr 15, 2004

I'll give it a few more days to see the typo fixed (still isn't as far as I can tell). And I will request a '301 redirect' from my ISP & see what they say. Hopefully that won't get my site deleted as it did for the poor guy who went thru what I am going thru in the quest of getting a simple change made. Seems like it would be easier for all if you would simply make the change instead of going through all this discussion.

But are you leaving my site in the 'architect' subcategory category??? I don't know how it got moved to that category in the first place, but it really belongs up one level with the other kitchen & bath designers who aren't architects. Again, I ask, how can I get my listing moved up to the correct category? Top: Regional: North America: United States: California: Localities: S: San Francisco: Business and Economy: Construction and Maintenance. There should be a Remodeling: Kitchen & Bath category under design as there is in the non-regional listing: Top: Business: Construction and Maintenance: Remodeling: Kitchen and Bath, but since there isn't, Construction & Maintenance is where I should be listed. Do I need to get deleted from the regional listing & start over?


Try to refresh the page, you are probably looking at a cached copy on either your machine, or your ISP's server.

Seems like it would be easier for all if you would simply make the change instead of going through all this discussion.
Yes, it would, but if we do one we really would have to do the other tens of thousands that would immediatly request a similar change.

If you read what I wrote before it is currently listed in the correct category , using the categories description. On the site it says you are designers - it does not say you construct the designs, or repair what you design. As it stands you are listed appropriately and will not be moved.

Regional is about listing businesses where they are, not by what they do, so comparing the 2 trees is not a valid argument. In the Regional branch, the business type is secondary to the location. The Business tree, on the other hand, has the business type as the primary value, and location as secondary 9if at all).



Apr 15, 2004

At least the typo is finally fixed.

As for my category, either Ann Jones & I are listed in the wrong place or Kitchen Artworks & Fine by Design are listed in the wrong place. The definition of 'architect' to the rest of the world (as defined in Webster's Seventh Collegiate Dictionary is: one who designs buildings and superintends their construction. That is not what I do, & most people will not notice the incorrect definition that DMOZ uses. I took one class in architecture, & that does not make me an architect to anyone but DMOZ. I am asking you again to please place me with the other people who do what I do in a category where I will be found by those who are looking for a kitchen designer & don't notice that DMOZ is redefining the meaning of standard terms.


Mar 8, 2004
There has been, for some time, discussion on the internal editor fora as to exactly what goes in Regional/.../Business_and_Economy/Construction_and_Maintenance and Regional/.../Business_and_Economy/Home_and_Garden. (In fact, I brought it up a few weeks ago, and I don't fully understand the responses.)

For example, our Regional Template suggests "Interior Design" as a subcategory of Home_and_Garden. I assure you, your query is not being ignored, although the response may not be your desired result.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Seems like it would be easier for all if you would simply make the change instead of going through all this discussion.

It would. Of course, it would be harder on the webmasters who had their listings hijacked by malicious plagiarizers.

Our policy is designed to protect the integrity of our listings. That's all, and that's quite enough.


Apr 15, 2004
hutcheson said:
>Seems like it would be easier for all if you would simply make the change instead of going through all this discussion.

It would. Of course, it would be harder on the webmasters who had their listings hijacked by malicious plagiarizers.

Our policy is designed to protect the integrity of our listings. That's all, and that's quite enough.

I don't see how listing me under a category that amounts to false advertising gives DMOZ listings integrity. If anything, it takes away from my integrity & the integrity of DMOZ & makes me look as if I am claiming false credentials. If I put 'architect' after my name, I could be sued for false advertising. I am not an architect & never will be (although I will be an interior designer at some time in the future.) And trying to be listed in the correct category with others who do the same thing I do has nothing to do with listings being 'hijacked by malicious plagiarizers'. Do you think that's what I am??? Again, I don't see why two other kitchen & bath designers are listed in the category 'Regional: North America: United States: California: Localities: S: San Francisco: Business and Economy: Construction and Maintenance' & I can't be. How does that give DMOZ integrity?


Jan 23, 2003
What we are saying is that we don't just make changes based on postings in this forum. You may well be honest, but cold, hard experience says that many times change requests, that are innocent enough on the surface, are in fact fraudulent, so we go slow and take our time.

Sorry if our time is not fast enough for you.

If you have submitted an update request through the Update URL process, then we will get to it when we get to it, and not a second before that. Hissy fits won't help. If you have not submitted an update request through the Update URL process, then you are simply wasting everyone's time.


Apr 15, 2004

I requested the correction to the typo & the correction to my website name at least 3 times over 6 months, with no reply & no results. Finally, the typo is corrected & I have requested a bid for a '301 Redirect' from my ISP since you have told me that that is the only way to get DMOZ to correct my website address. I have no idea how much time & money that will cost me. In the process of trying to get these corrections made, someone moved me to the architect category. (I certainly never asked to be there, & wasn't there before.) Now you are telling me that I need to submit a request to move back to the category I previously was in. What a waste of time for everyone concerned. I will submit the request.


Apr 15, 2004
arubin said:
There has been, for some time, discussion on the internal editor fora as to exactly what goes in Regional/.../Business_and_Economy/Construction_and_Maintenance and Regional/.../Business_and_Economy/Home_and_Garden. (In fact, I brought it up a few weeks ago, and I don't fully understand the responses.)

For example, our Regional Template suggests "Interior Design" as a subcategory of Home_and_Garden. I assure you, your query is not being ignored, although the response may not be your desired result.
I actually submitted the request to be an editor & they didn't like my suggestions for people to include in the category I was applying for. I find that ironic considering DMOZ's unique definition of 'architect' & arbitrary inclusion in categories. I only applied so I could go in & fix the mistakes to my listing, since no editor ever responded to my requests. That was before I learned about this forum, not that it's been very helpful so far. It really frustrates me that 2 people who do what I do are in the construction category but someone moved me to the architect subcategory. It also frustrates me that because my web designer decided to drop the 'www' on my domaine name, I have one DMOZ listing under the regular categories with my correct website address, & my regional listing with the 'www', which I understand hurts my rankings in search engines. Now I'm trying to find out the cost & issues around a '301 redirect' just to get a simple correction to my listing. I think it may be better to stick with machines instead of human editors.
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