status of


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm not going to go hunting in THOSE categories -- do a Google search if you want to know how much competition you have -- but I can tell you the site hasn't yet been reviewed by and ODP editor.

And do a Google search (and divide by 2) to get an approximation of the number of Auto classifieds sites that (on average) must be reviewed before we get around to any particular Auto classifieds site.

Also, I always tell classified ads peddlers to compare your site to the three or four largest sites in the same niche. If your site isn't in that league: it might have gotten listed five years ago, but (with our current higher and rising standards, that are imposed by our current richer internet), it probably couldn't get listed in the future -- because it's more useful for SURFERS for automobile sellers to advertise in a few content-rich, well-indexed places than scattered all over in unsearchable sites.

I haven't looked at your site, but I can tell you that 19 out of twenty submitted classified ads sites don't pass the "sufficient content to overcome the inconvenience of yet another place to look" test. And editors get so tired of looking at those empty sites that they want to go edit somewhere expletive-deleted USEFUL for a change. So you can expect there to be always an especially large backlog anywhere there are lots of low-value sites submitted.

In the meantime -- work on your content, and (since ODP simply does not ever do site promotion) if you think your site needs promoting, then be taking the steps to do it yourself, or finding someone who WILL do it.
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