Status of



Hello, I submitted my site in early February of 2003:

Award Ticket
Directory - Frequent Flyer Programs

I have not seen my site show up DMOZ, nor have I recieved any emails regarding why my site has not been added. I have resubmitted my site today. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process. I have waited as much as 8 weeks at a time before resubmitting.

I have read that some editors have sites in the directories that they edit and delete submissions of competing sites. Could this be happening to my site?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Will Phipps


Mar 19, 2003
Many sites wait to be listed for between three months and a year, occasionally longer. Just because you haven't been listed in the last month or two doesn't mean that you should suspect editor abuse. If you do have a specific reason to suspect editor abuse then please contact any editor with Meta under their name with details. But if you've just been waiting a long time, that's no good.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Also, resubmitting overwrites the submission date, so that if there are a number of sites waiting and the editor sorts by submission date then the newer date would make your site go to the bottom of the line (editors can review in any order they would like, many review by date). For that reason, it isn't a good idea to continue resubmitting as opposed to waiting for a site to be viewed.

John is right, a few months isn't long--many others have waited much longer. It all depends on how active editors are in a specific section of the directory. That said, it should be said again that it doesn't matter if an editor is listed in a specific cat either--as many editors still have access to that category.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
As for status, it shows a submission date of 14/Mar/2003 12:25:20 MST and your site is still waiting in the unreviewed queue with a dozen or so sites.


The March 14 submission was my second attempt. I submitted again after waiting 5 weeks to be listed. If I submitted again this morning will that date overwrite the March 14 date and set me in the back of the queue again. Is there any way to stop that from happening?

Also, I didn't understand that the process would take this long. Is there anything that can be done to speed up the process? I was not suspecting editor abuse, just curious about something I read on another site. I'll sit back and wait longer.

Thanks again for the quick post responses.

Will Phipps


Mar 19, 2003
No, there's no way of speeding up the process or preventing a new submission overwriting the old one (what would be the point?).

If you submitted a keyword stuffed title or description then you might want to resubmit with a guidelines-compliant one - that might make the editor spot your site and edit it before dealing with all the spammy descriptions. If you read and followed the guidelines when you submitted then you just have to sit and wait. You can ask for a status report again in a month's time using the same thread. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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