Status of


Aug 3, 2004
Thank you for the response. May I ask the logic behind the decision to move it to such a narrow category as Dilworth? I serve a much larger area than just Dilworth; a county listing would seem much more appropriate. My logic is twofold. First, a pure .com entity such as DMOZ would be listed in a category like Computers: Internet: Searching: Directories: Open Directory Project rather than the location of its server or the state the original DMOZ editor resided in. Second, if the intention of DMOZ is to make a useful list of web sites that people can use to find what they're looking for, few of the 200,000 people in my metro area would think to look in such a narrow category, and I'm sure my situation is not unique.

Perhaps it is because of the category I orignally submitted to?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Your situation is very far from unique. There are many service businesses like this -- plumbers, real estate agents, hair stylists, tanning salons, lawyers, carpet cleaners, restaurants -- that are ubiquitous and inherently local. That's why the decision is so easy for us. We treat them all alike -- list them in the smallest regional area that contains their home office(s).

And yes, we know perfectly well that some of these folk travel to their clients, or customers travel to see them. We don't judge how far people might travel. It's more a matter of how far people would have to travel to find one -- that is, do we have too many of them to categorize any other way?

This decision has nothing to do with where anyone's computer server is (although we have been abused for NOT taking that into consideration....) It's about where a physical presence is physically located. It's about the center of the service area (which is well-defined), not its extent (which is not).

It's not subject to debate. Any discussion of the guidelines' application to specific sites would occur in the internal editors' Regional forums.

However, we are sometimes willing to put service area in a description -- and that would not be an unreasonable aspect of a travelling DJ service to mention.
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