Status of


Jul 7, 2002
Local caterers don't get listed in Business: Hospitality: Food Service: Catering. That's why your submission is now in a sorting process and will be sent to a more appropriate category (probably somewhere in Regioinal: North America: United States. (You should have seen a message about this when submitting - see the submission page for the Catering category.)

This sorting process will take some time, but your site will eventually be reviewed. If you don't find your site listed after six more months, please come back to this thread and ask what's going on.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Submit it as close to the right place as you can. When we have enough sites (your suggestions welcome) we'll CREATE the Food Services subcat.


Feb 16, 2005


Aug 2, 2002
The site is not currently waiting in either category but it was found in Business/Hospitality/Food_Service/Catering and is currently in the process of finding a home in the Regional branch. Don't submit again, it will eventually turn up in the right place. You can come back in 6 months to check again if you don't see it listed anywhere by then.


Feb 16, 2005
Not submited?

Dear oneeye,

the site was most certainly submitted to both categories and I did so according to instructions given to me in this thread:

While I do understand that this is a free service and that the initial mistake was mine I would apprecaite it if the information I am given would not change from one contact to the next and if it would be possible, since we all now know where it is supposed to go, that it could show up there, be re-submitted there or find some other way of getting there that would not take six month, no matter when the process was started ... :rolleyes:

THX ... :)


Jan 23, 2003
You are most welcome.

There are, at any given moment, about 9,000 active ODP editors, and as much as we would like, they do not all have the exact same opinion on where a given site might end up.

When you come here, the very small cadre of editors who hang out in the small conrner of the Internet, give their best advice based on a superficial look at a given site. There is nothing in the forum charter that tells us to try and offer this type of suggestion, but it seems like a good thing, and we certainly don't knowingly give incorrect advice.

I'm a rookie, I only have about 13,000 edits under my belt, and even here I learn stuff. Sometimes I'll give a piece of advice, and get a note from someone with 60,000 edits telling me that I missed a particular nuance, or a footnote in the editing guidelines. Everyonce in a while I'll see and editor with 60,000 edits give some bad advice concerning a little nook in the directory where I have exceedingly detailed knowledge and understanding.

Yet, I've never seen an editor give grossly incorrect information. and that hasn't happened in your case. We got you close, now an editor who has a practical, detailed understanding of the nuances and footnotes of that particular twig on the ODP tree will do a detailed site review and determine the final placement. This is how we work.

And if it takes six months, then it takes six months. And if it takes three years, then it takes three years. We don't apologize for the timelines, and we try not to gloat when we add sites that were never submitted, or review sites within a day or so of their being submitted.

I can tell you that it will definitely NOT be listed in and should never have been submitted to a statewide category. It probably would not get listed in the Phoenix category, since it has a 480 phone number, and Phoenix is 602. It would be useful if an address could be found on the site, since regional listings are all about where a company is located, not where it markets, and the lack of an address on a business website may be fatal to one's chances of being listed.

If you do not have an address in Phoenix proper, but are somewhere in the East Valley, go ahead and (after putting an address on the site) resubmit to that locality. You won't be penalized for the additional submission.


Feb 16, 2005

Dear spectregunner,

thank you for all the deep and valuable information about the ODP.

As far as the address and phone numbers are concerned I would like to stress that there is no "business location" for Chef Rue. Like many others in her industry Chef Emily Rue has neither a restaurant nor other dining facility, nor is there an office, storage or any other business related buildings or any visitor traffic. Chef Rue operates out of her home, renting facilities when necessary. Publishing private addresses on the Internet is something we all know not to be a smart thing to do.

Like other small business owners that perform their professional skills at changing venues the residential address of Chef Rue should be of no concern. Chef Rue serves ALL of the Phoenix Metro Area, which makes up most of the inhabited area of Maricopa county.

To list her exclusively in the Mesa regional category would be limiting her visibility to her prospects and would be factually wrong.

However, at this point in time I am merely interested in getting listed in ANY meaningful category and wanted to clarify the absence of an address on the site, for which I could not find any requirement published in the submission guidelines at or the submission instructions at

Additionally, I have conducted a bit of research and have found that other personal chef are listed in the ODP without an address and many are listed in a "Top" category, while officially catering only to a restricted geographical area.

Thanks again for all your help and I am looking forward to seeing the site listed soon.




Mar 8, 2004
I think some bad information may have been given earlier, although the advice is still good.. Some sites are listed by service area. See, for example, the Regional FAQ #4.2 ( )

Nonetheless, as I see it, the site might be listable in or in , depending on local editor discretion. However, your site is waiting for review close enough to those categories that resubmission would be counter-productive. Please wait for review.

As for local personal chefs in Business categories -- those are being redistributed. It may have been an appropriate category at the time you suggested your site, but it is no longer. If the description indicates otherwise, please let us know.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.