Status of



We have asked to change the category that we are listed in because it does not reflect our business any more. we have grown from a loacl company to an international company

who do I contact in order to change the category?

current category-Regional/Middle_East/Israel/Business_and_Economy/shopping

suitable category -/Shopping/Health/Beauty/Cosmetics/

Please Help


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
You may be eligible for a regional (it appears you are still based in Israel) and a shopping listing, I would go ahead and submit your site to the Beauty catgory that most fits your products within. I do not believe that it is the cosmetic category, however. It appears you sell cosmetics, bath and body and skin care. I would suggest submitting to the top level (link provided above). I did check, your site has specific products, prices and you ship all over the world--so you do qualify for listing within the shopping category. The beauty category, however, is backed up and may take awhile to become listed.

I don't understand why you submit to a Business category when an editor here had a look at your site and suggested that you should submit it to a Shopping category. The only result is that we have more work, and that usually a review in the appropriate category will be considerably delayed.

Misplacing a submission just because an unreviewed queue may be shorter is not really a good thing to do, and is not much appreciated. <img src="/images/icons/mad.gif" alt="" />

It seems however that you were extremely lucky this time. Someone noticed that your current listing was not appropriate any more and moved your site to where it is listed now.


Thank you for your prompt respond
We are aware of the new listing at the shopping category.

We have submmited to the other category since shopping is only part of many other things we offer .
Our company is also manufacturing and distributing beauty products . So since the shopping category reflect only one part of our bussiness we assumed that geting another listing in the Business category will cover the rest of what we are doing.

Your company may have other activities, but the purpose of your site is to serve as a Shopping destination for consumers. The only thing we know about you is the content of your site, and that's what we review and categorize.

Please read for further information.


At our website main page there is a specific description of the "other activities" we offer
quote- "Dead Sea Cosmetics is one of the leading
companies in marketing &amp; distribution of
cosmetic products from the Dead Sea to
companies and consumers all over the world. " end of quote, with a link to the distributors and wholesale section.
Our site offers product both to shoppers ,wholesalers and distributors. so the shopping category represent only half of what we offer .


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
We are only repeating ourselves: The important thing is not what your company is about, its what your website is about. We are listing websites, not companies.


Mar 19, 2003
Your site has been deleted previously from the Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Beauty category and has now also been deleted from another inappropriate category, Health/Beauty - a submission that you appear to have forgotten about. The site is appropriately listed in Shopping/Health/Beauty and it would be worthwhile avoiding making any further inappropriate submissions.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
I would like to echo the editors above, we list your site in the one most appropriate category with the one exception being regional if there is a brick and mortar store. I agree that your site is listed according to the main focus. Continuing to resubmit to other categories could be viewed as spam, your site won't be listed in business as that is not the main focus. The site is already listed appropriately.
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