Status of

Vito Manzione

May 2, 2005

We have been trying to get our site, listed for way more then a year now with no luck. I just found this forum and thought I would ask about it here.

We have submitted again to (Shopping: Clothing: Acessories: Handbags and Purses) but have still not seen the site added.

We are in good standing with all other search engines and we do not cheat to get higher listings so we are totally confused whats going on.

Can someone please help us out here.

Thanks in advance!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Please read the forum guidelines and faq
1) we need a clickable link for the category
2) you must wait a minimum of 1 month after you made the last suggestion
3) never submit again unless told to do so by one of the editors
4) we don't care about good or bad standing with search engines (not other as we aren't a search engine)

Vito Manzione

May 2, 2005
I apologize but...

pvgool said:
Please read the forum guidelines and faq
1) we need a clickable link for the category
2) you must wait a minimum of 1 month after you made the last suggestion
3) never submit again unless told to do so by one of the editors
4) we don't care about good or bad standing with search engines (not other as we aren't a search engine)

1). Not sure what you mean when you say you need a clickable link for a category.

2). I never made a suggestion so I am not sure what your talking about here.

3). How would I know not to submit, I had no clue about this forum at the time and I waited months. I assure you it was all done in innocence.

4). What a rude comment, I was only trying to let someone know that the site must be working ok if other search engines grabbed it. I find your comment to be extremly rude. I thought you were supposed to help people like myself ?


Apr 15, 2003
Have you read and followed the posting guidlines yet?

1) we need a clickable link for the category
No - you have not yet provided one.

2) you must wait a minimum of 1 month after you made the last suggestion
I don't know - but if it has not been at least a month come back in a month to continue this discussion.

3) never submit again unless told to do so by one of the editors
That means don't submit.

4) we don't care about good or bad standing with search engines (not other as we aren't a search engine)

We are just telling you it's irellevent and meaningless. It would be better to follow the posting guidelines and provide the info we ask for, rather than information that has no relevance.

Some people might consider it rude to jump into a forum, and blindly post without taking the care to find out what the forums is about and check out the rules of the road. I find that most forums I go to, I will get flamed severely and my posts deleted without reply for failing to follow the rules of the forum.

3). How would I know not to submit, I had no clue about this forum at the time and I waited months. I assure you it was all done in innocence.
Because whne you submitted you agreed you had read which says in part

Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.

So I assume you did not read that - and that means you also proably did not read

Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.

Vito Manzione

May 2, 2005
Ok points well taken however I have one more question. Maybe it was answered and I just don't understand. When you say you need a clickable link for the categort what do you mean ?

When I submitted the site I added my link which is clickable.

I am totally lost.

I know you guys do this every day but you have to understand that when you get someone who is a little new to this things will go over their head. I did read the rules and I realy thought I had them all covered. I am not sure about the clickable link however.



Mar 20, 2003
Yes, you are giving us a clickable link to your website.

No, you are not giving us a clickable link to the category that you submitted to.

We need the link to the category if you want us to look for your submission.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Vito Manzione said:
1). Not sure what you mean when you say you need a clickable link for a category.?
This mean: where in DMOZ did you suggest / submit the site

Vito Manzione said:
2). I never made a suggestion so I am not sure what your talking about here.
Strange, in your first posting you said "We have been trying to get our site listed for way more then a year now". The only way you coudl have done this is by suggesting the site.

Vito Manzione said:
3). How would I know not to submit, I had no clue about this forum at the time and I waited months. I assure you it was all done in innocence.
I said "do not submit again" - the important word here is again

Did you already read the forum guidelines? They tell you exactly what we need to tell you about the status of your suggested site.
1) a link to your site (OK, this is provide)
2) a link to the category within DMOZ (without it we can not find the suggestion)
3) the date you made the last suggestion ; and it must be minimum 1 month ago before you are allowed to ask

Also good reading: the FAQ

Vito Manzione

May 2, 2005
PVGOOL, I gave the clickable link in the above post.

As for your comments, I felt you were rude because I am not savy with all the lingo you told me. I apologize but I didn't equate "suggest" with "add site" and I stand corrected on that. As for adding a site again, the last time I had added was months ago, I just assumed it never went through. I thought DMOZ was having problems. Again I am not that savy on how your system works. Most of my time is consumed with sales and running our store, I felt you guys could have made things a little clearer.

I am sorry if I came accross as a jerk but I am not on the computer all that much.

Anyway, where does our link stand now. This is very confusing to me.


Jun 4, 2002
Thanks for working to understand what we needed in order to check the status. You did great!

The status of the suggestion is Declined.

Vito Manzione

May 2, 2005
Can I ask why it was declined ?

This baffles me as I am sure we did everything by the numbers with this site. Is it something we can fix ?

Thanks in advance.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There are three places where you might see the ODP as "jumping through hoops". It is easy to confuse them, but they are totally unrelated.

(1) This forum has rules about posts, as you've seen. Those rules are enforced as strictly as possible, to keep the forums civil and effective. But that has nothing to do with when or where or how a site will be reviewed for an ODP listing.

(2) There are rules about SUBMITTING sites. This is a way anyone can help us find good sites. They tell you something about what we consider good, and list a few kinds of very common non-good sites (more details are in the editors' guidelines which you can read also); they are meant to keep you from wasting your time and ours, so that we can find and list good sites as fast as possible. We are very lenient here: No matter how you mess up a submittal for a good site, we'll fix it -- just lead us to the site, and we will do the rest. There is, however, one exception: one offense that you can commit here that may cause us to never want to have anything to do with you or your sites again. (You could re-read the submittal policy with this closely in mind.)

(3) The rules for what makes a good site. The rules themselves are pretty lenient, but are interpreted pretty strictly. In ten words or less, "significant unique content in the form of relevant information" pretty well covers it.

In shopping categories, there are basically two things that must be kept in mind.

(a) What good or service is being offered? (must be unique in some way) Is there enough information for a surfer to order it, pay for it, and have it delivered without leaving his home or business?

(b) What unique entity is actually providing the good or service?

A shopping site should pass both tests. I don't see how your site could ever be made to pass either.

I would strongly recommend that you count on not using the ODP for ANY site promotion, until when you look at THESE sites you feel in your bones that they are not anything the ODP would want to look at.

Vito Manzione

May 2, 2005
Ok, I guess I loose. I have no response for you guys now. I think our site is very useful and easy to navigate. Since we do a great business already my thinking is people enjoy what we have to sell.

If I can't convince you of that it would be a waste of my time to keep trying.

I find it odd but hey, thats life sometimes!
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