>I think my site is qualified but I'm not the editor who shall evaluate and make the decision. So I was just wondering if you advice the users when the editor have made his decision. Will you?
We notify all users of all reviewed and accepted sites, by posting them in the appropriate category. Users can access this information in a variety of ways, including directly viewing pages, downloading the database, or viewing our categories at the value-added pages of licensees.
>I'm asking this because by reading in this forum I've noticed that many users wait several months and then when they ask the position the reply was simply that his web site was rejected by some reason.
You appear to be confusing "users" with "webmasters." We don't.
>So why not advice the users as soon as the editor has made his decision, without waiting that is the user who should continuously ask for his position?
Sorry, you appear to be confusing "users" with "spammers". We have no trouble distinguishing between them. "Spammers" are the ones who incessantly submit unsuitable sites, which we have to waste valuable editing time reviewing and deleting. Our "users" view our pages, and submit good additional sites (which we list) or tell us about errors (which we try to correct quickly), but most of them don't talk to us at all.
We constantly warn editors NOT to contact ANY submitters, and ESPECIALLY spammers, without exercising great caution, or without hoping for some great benefit. The fact is, simply reporting on site rejection does open editors up to all kinds of threats and pressure, and does not give us any benefit at all: in fact, it actually harms us, since it helps spammers know what techniques are most effective at causing us effort and trouble.
So we don't. And that's why.