Status of


Feb 6, 2005
Please let me know the status of, submitted on Jan 4th 2005 in the category:

Actually the site was submitted a long time ago, but I'm just reporting the last submission.
I know you can't tell me more than "your site is waiting for a review" but I'd like to let you know that the category where my site was submitted seems not to have been significantly updated for a long time. I know that editors are volunteers and so you can't really say when my site will be reviewed... but any chance of having some high privilege editor to review it?


Curlie Meta
Jan 21, 2003
The site suggestion has been received and is awaiting review in the category you mention.

As for the idea of a high-level editor taking a look and deciding soon, on the basis of your request in this forum, um, no. Think about it for a minute. Imagine what would happen.


Feb 6, 2005

Thanks for reassuring me that the site is still there waiting for review.

Yep, I guess what you mean by that, so I'll try to re-formulate the concept and ask/propose another possibility.

I tried several times to become an editor in the Real Estate category under Italy, not because I wanted to have my site listed, but because I do believe there's plenty of other sites to be reviewed there (as in any other category, you might say).
Now, I was obviously rejected, and the main reason was also that that category is "too big" for a new editor, or so I was told. I applied in a smaller category and got rejected as well, and so I decided to give up, for now (maybe tomorrow I'll resubmit a request, who knows!)...
Considering that that's probably the only field I could apply to become an editor, because I actually feel I know about the matter, I guess there would be no chance for me anyway.

So, to sum up:
- There are no editors in that category
- Higher-privileged editors can't review sites there, or at any rate obviously I can't ask on the forum, coz otherwise others might ask for the same etc. etc.
- You don't seem to accept new editors in that category, because it's too big for newbies.

So the only chance for that cateogory to actually have an editor is that an experienced editor asks to become an editor for it, right? What are the chances for that to happen? Nobody can't tell me that. I know. I can't do anything about it, and neither you or any other can, I guess, because it's the way the system is, basically. And I'm not criticizing it, because I kinda understand that maintaining the biggest directory in the world with a network of volunteers can be a tough job.

All I can say, or beg, or pray for, whatever is: Could you or someone else take that category into consideration when you or someone else is going to ask for an additional category?

If there was a way to help out, I'd be glad to do it, really.


Jan 23, 2003
Higher-privileged editors can't review sites there

They can. Any editor higher in the tree can edit there, as can the more than 200+ editors with directory-wide permissions.

For example, I have named permissions in about 10 categories. I've done maybe 500 edits in those categories, and 13,000 edits in categories below them.

What we cannot allow to happen is to have editors go off and edit simply on the basis of a request here. That would be a disaster in the making.

Now, in terms of becoming an editor. I have nothing at all to do with the editor approval process, but let me address some generic issues.

You suggested that there was only a single category that you could start in, but that it is too large to start in. But there are thousands of subcatgories within Regional/Europe/Italy/ that would be perfect for a beginner. Look in Regions, pick a region such as Marche or Tuscany, both of which have relatively small Real Estate subcategories. I don't know if thse are acceptabel for a new editor, but they might be a good place to start.

We have about 590,000 differnt categories. Many of them are quite small and are perfect places to start. Think about your life intersts, or where you live, or where you have specialized knowledge, then find a nice small cat that matches up and apply there -- and think of the application just as you would a job application (because that is really what it is).

Hope this helps.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
One problem is that real estate is a particularly spam-prone area. A category may receive (and editors may review) hundreds of submittals, and yet not one that is actually appropriate to be listed there. So if you're seeing no change in the listings, that doesn't at all mean no work is being done there. (For external corroboration, see these forums for the real estate webmaster who mentioned that his logs showed regular visits from an ODP editor about twice a month, even though the category had not changed in more than a year.)

It does, unfortunately, mean we're very careful about accepting new RE editors.


Aug 2, 2002
Of course that doesn't stop real estate people becoming editors in non-RE categories and proving themselves trustworthy and able to interpret the guidelines before being given additional priviledges in a RE category.


Feb 6, 2005

Thanks to everyone.

I must admit I'm surprised to see all of you replying and providing kinda useful suggestions, for a change. I've been reading these forums in the past and I noticed some short and cold replies when people started saying something about the way dmoz works, glad to see that things seems to have changed a bit, and this time I got helpful replies.

I actually tried to apply for a subcategory under Italy/Real Estate, and yes, I picked Tuscany and didn't get accepted. That put me down a bit ("what?! They told me they rejected me because the category was too big and when I ask for a smaller category they reject me again?!!"), but I guess that RE requires anyway a bit of experience regardless of the subcategory.

I suppose I'll have a look at other categories and try to find some other sections to apply as an editor... I think that it could help me to understand more about the whole dmoz system, as well.

Regarding my site... I'll just hope that someday it will be listed... I hope not in 3 years though! :)

Thanks again for the nice replies: it seems that the stereotype of the cold-and-sadistic editor is not longer true, at least in some cases!!! :p
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