Status of http:\\


Oct 6, 2004
:confused: After three (3) years of trying, I can't get my site listed in the DMOZ. I have submitted 4 times in 3 years. I patently wait 6 months and submit again. Who do I have to kill to get listed? I obvoulsly don't understand the process and would appreciate some help. I'm not selling porn or flaming people, I just run a local computer technical support business and wish people to be able to find me. I've read the guidelines and feel I have complied with then and have been patient to the point of just giving up.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You can start by reading the FORUM guidelines -- check out that "read before posting" post, to see what information we need in order to give specific help.

But as for generic help: a local business, eh? Did you submit the site in the LOCAL category (in Regional, as specific a geographic area as possible to include your office, then however deep you can get in the business&economy/computers subcategory?

And killing people isn't the answer (unless, hmm, we can slip you a little list of our biggest spammers ... I may get back to you on this...)
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