Status of


Sep 25, 2002

I have checked the category you mention and every subcategories and cannot find this suggestion. Nor can I find evidence of an editor having ever reviewed it.

I propose you suggest it again.



Jan 23, 2003
We'll ber glad to, however.....

while you were patiently waiting, we changed the rules of the game, and now status check (after the first one) are six months apart.

The good news is that you are almost there, so please come back on or after November 4th and we'll gladly check for you (unless we get sneaky and change the rules again. :D :D )


Apr 5, 2004

I'm posting again because I never heard back from anyone (and usually you guys are pretty quick) so I figured it had just accidentally been looked over.

Please can someone check the status and get back to me.

Many thanks and sorry for the hassle. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 27, 2002
No hassle, that's what this forum is for :)

Your site has been received and is awaiting review in the category you posted.

Sorry we missed your last post. ;)


Apr 5, 2004

It is now six months from my last status check and 13 months since I originally submitted my site to the open directory. Can someone please let me know why it is taking so long for my site to be reviewed? I know it's meant to take a while but I really had expected it to be included after a year. Hope you can help.

Many thanks.


Apr 15, 2005
Tell me how to Post New Thread...

How to post new thread:
Interface is tooooooo boring no link for New Thread.
ANY one help??/


Mar 25, 2002
Depending on the area of the directory, how many submissions it gets, and how active the editors are there, reviews can take anywhere from several minutes to several years. It is no direct reflection on the quality of the site.

Unfortunately, that is the nature of the ODP.


Mar 8, 2004
movieoutline: You're still about 5 hours early for a status check:

bizzbuddy: There's a "New Thread" button toward to top of the subforum page. That is, unless you're banned, which there will be a good case for if you keep doing that.


Apr 5, 2004
Arubin: Sorry, I didn't realise this board gauged so precisely.

Alucard: Thanks for getting back to me. Since submitting my site over a year ago, I've noticed a couple of other sites appear in the same category and am a little confused - does the Editor not review all those pending in the same category at once or is it just on a site by site basis, regardless of category?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
does the Editor not review all those pending in the same category at once or is it just on a site by site basis, regardless of category?

No, and no. You clearly have a completely wrong notion of how the ODP works, as both of these are absolute nonesense, literally impossible.

The editor picks which sites to review first, based on criteria known only to him -- nobody else has the right to even ask! And the volunteer editor can stop reviewing sites whenever he wishes. So ANY generalization, any generalization at all, about how "THE editor" works -- is false. Editors have many ways of working. Most active editors work in different modes at different times.

Secondly, what YOU probably mean by "sites pending" is probably "sites submitted." If this is what you meant, this also is not a concept that has anything to do with the Open Directory. All sites on the internet are always pending. Editors are expected to use creativity in finding sites -- to look for sites in multiple ways, to avoid the bias that inevitably comes by taking all of your samples from the same point. The "site suggestion" pile is just one way, and not the most important way, and not the highest priority way, for editors to find sites. All it is is a reminder that a particular site hasn't yet been looked at. It is not a compulsion to look at it!

You can see how absolutely nonsensical it would be for any editor to look at the whole internet at once. It never happens. Being human, we look at one site at a time. (Well, some active editors may open several browser tabs and sort of look at several sites at once. But ... the whole internet? Get real!

But "on just a site by site basis regardless of category" is equally nonsensical. It sounds like you're thinking of editors as robots on an assembly line. The submittals flow in. Each editor takes the next one. But there is nothing like that either. Submittals go to the category where you submit them -- anything else would be absolute nonsense. Assuming you're going to treat ME like one of these robots: what good is it for robot-h1733 to take the "next submittal" if it happens to be a Chinese site? What good is it for the next site to be reviewed by robot-h1733, if it happens to be a fan site for contempop music or international-socialist politics? Clearly that's not a sane way of running even a sweatshop, let alone a volunteer directory.

Well then, what really happens?

Sometimes editors find a truly exceptional site that intrigues them, and look for a good place to put it. But that's not the most common mode of operation (and the unreviewed queue is the least likely place to find such a site.)

What happens much more often is, editors pick a category to work in, and then look for sites. One place that we can look for sites (but only one, and by no means the highest priority or most important) is the "site suggestions for that category". But how or in what order sites are searched or reviewed, is up to the editor.

The result is, each editor works in the way that pays off best (in satisfaction or sense of accomplishment). That way, the project is likely to get the maximum amount of accomplishment possible from each editor. That way, the maximum total number of sites get reviewed and listed, and the average time from "site publication" to "site review" is minimized. (There is nothing significant about time of "site suggestion", so it doesn't enter into this anywhere.) This way, the sites that get reviewed are the ones that are most interesting to our sampling of surfers (that is, the editors themselves), so the work we do is most useful for our customers (who are also surfers.)

But ... this way nobody ever knows what sites will be reviewed next, nobody ever knows when a particular site will be reviewed, and it is possible that some sites (even suggested ones) will continue to be overlooked for an indefinite period.

This isn't a problem, because the ODP is not about promoting particular sites, and doesn't offer site promotion services. In fact, it is itself an inestimably great advantage. Consider this. What's the biggest problem on the internet today? The answer is obvious. Affiliate spam. There are people whose entire purpose in life is to subvert whatever internet indexing systems there are, in favor of their own spam (and against the real sites, as well as other people's spam.) Any system, once discovered, will be quickly attacked from a thousand directions. So the ODP's defense is: no system.

It is left as an exercise to the reader, how the spammers could successfully attack and subvert the following mechanisms:

(1) All submittals guaranteed a review in, say, 10 to 11 months. No (or almost no) submitted sites reviewed early, no submitted sites take longer than that.

(2) Editors constrained to review only submitted sites, or to review submitted sites before any others.

(3) Within a category, editors required to review sites in submittal order.

There will be no practical check, since there would be a race to see whether the spammers crashed the ODP servers with their submittal spam before all the editors quit. I'm betting the editors would win, but it would be a very very close race.


Apr 5, 2004
Thanks for explaining. I obviously did misunderstand the whole review and submission process. That said, am I right then in thinking it is a waste of time in continuing submission status checks every six months?

If my original assumption of how the review process works was correct, I could imagine a reason for checking the status of a site's submission periodically. But now I understand the way it works in reality, what practical reason would there be for a submittor to continually recheck the submission status?

There doesn't seem to be a need or indeed point in doing so other than posting a submission status check one month after the inital submission in order to check it got through. Or to query a refused submission. Unless I am still misunderstanding the process?

Thanks for your time.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I agree with that analysis (or I should perhaps say, I think you've accurately summarized my thesis.)

The practical harm in checking every six months -- is that if everybody did it we'd have to turn the forum off.

Now that the submittal is received here, go on with life. Take responsibility for promoting your website. Don't expect the ODP to do the job -- even if the site were reviewed tomorrow, it wouldn't. Don't let anything except your income tax form get away from you without the URL on it. Contribute to the internet -- positive contributions people could read with profit no matter who posted them -- and make sure your name and URL is associated with each contribution. Network in the local community -- and make sure people have your business card and URL.

The ODP is only one bit -- and a very small bit at that -- of any SUCCESSFUL website. (We do not confer success, we merely recognize it. People who think otherwise are ... failures.)
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