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Mar 26, 2005
I'm apparently not smart enough to remember where or exactly how long ago I submitted my site. I know now that this is not a good thing, but there's nothing I can do about that now, is there?

Can I resubmit it without penalty? I'm pretty sure I would have submitted my articles page (a few months ago),
to one if the computer categories, but I'll be @%#$'ed if I can find where.

I'm sorry, and any future submissions will be done properly, and i'll make note of exactly where and when I do them, but what do I do now?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can share...


Aug 2, 2002
3,512 - has not been touched by an editor and without a category to go look at there is no way we can say even whether it has been received.

Submit again, taking careful note this time of where, then come back to this thread a month later to check we have received it.

Don't submit deeplinks - repeat submission of the same or related URLs is a breach of the submission policy that can carry severe penalties for transgressors. If a deeplink is considered appropriate an editor will independently list it but you may not suggest that they do. So think very carefully before submitting anything in the future. Apart from the root URL once more as per above that is.
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