status of

I've submitted my site ( twice in the past 6 weeks and haven't been listed yet. I submitted to Arts:Crafts:Quilting the last time on July 4th. This category has no editor. I sent an email to an editor of Arts:Crafts asking for help, but got no answer. Can anyone tell me the status of my submission? If there is something I am doing wrong I'd really like to correct it so I can get my site listed. Thank you for your help.


Jun 4, 2002
I don't see it having been touched yet, but then I'm just a regular editor and I don't see everything. /images/icons/smile.gif There are about 70 sites waiting in that queue.

- dj


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Looks like we need a "Directories" category (with Webrings under it, perhaps.)


Jun 4, 2002
There are some other directory sites in that category. That might work, hutcheson.

Looking at this site I thought that if I were reviewing it I might send it over to web design. Would it fit there under the specialty categories?

- dj

[edited: make that about 50 sites waiting in queue /images/icons/smile.gif ]

It sounds like part of the problem with getting my site ( listed is that it isn't fitting perfectly into any categories. I thought that Arts:Crafts:Quilting was most appropriate because it seemed like a fairly general quilting category and because it included other quilt directories (and a big chunk of my site is a quilt directory). I'd really like to be listed in some quilt category as we are providing a general quilting resource. Would it help to submit different pages from the site to different categories? I'd really like to figure out how I can meet the requirements of the Open Directory so I can get the site listed. I would appreciate any advice. Thank you for all the information you have given me already!


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
The site is still in unreviewed in that category. There are less than 50 unreveiwd in the whole category as djdeeds said, but it isn't possible to give an exact time to review. From the sound of it, that sounds like the best category (I haven't reviewed the site), or, if a Directory subcategory is created as hutcheson suggested, your site will be moved there.

Give it a little longer and then post here again if you don't see it appear.

I submitted my site,, to the Arts:Crafts:Quilting directory early last summer. In July, when the site had still not been listed, I queried you all about the status of the submission. The responses I received said that the site had not yet been reviewed. However, there was some discussion about whether I had submitted to the right category as the site includes both a directory of quilt shops, quilters, etc. and various web development resources for quilt businesses. When I asked if I should submit the site to a different category the final respondent suggested that I had probably picked the best category and that I should just wait for a few weeks and see what happened. The arts:crafts:quilting category lacked an editor and there were a number of submissions besides mine backed up waiting for review. Can someone please tell me the current status of my site's being listed? Also, can you provide me with additional advice about how to get the site listed. I'd like to know what is needed so that I can do what is necessary to be listed. Thank you very much for your help!


Jun 4, 2002


Mar 25, 2002
Yes, your site is still awaiting review in (along with two dozen other sites) and no it wouldn't help you by resubmitted. If anything, it may slow down your site review (as some editors have the unreviewed queue in 'sort by date' format - oldest first, and new submissions 'overwrite' old ones).
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