It would be great help if some information like : there are now 3000 submissions awaiting review and yours in on number 99999.
We don't give answers like that because we don't work that way.
It's not like we have someone working 9-5 on that category and that category alone.
We have thousands of editors. Most of them have more than one category. Many can edit anywhere in the directory they feel like that day. Our pool of submissions is huge and people work on the areas they feel comfortable working in.
Now I haven't added up all the submissions, but I believe there are well over a million of them and yours is there. I wasn't supposed to tell you until next month, since we have no evidence of your June submission - only for one from
August 16th.
We'll review it when we get to it. That's all I can say. It could be next week. It could be next year.
If it hasn't been listed by
March 21st, you may come back to this thread and inquire as to the status of the submission then - just to make sure it wasn't deleted by accident.
We try and pace our answers here to give us more time for actual editing.