Status of



I wanted to check on status of ScriptAssist - I submitted it to Arts/Writers_Resources/Software/Screenplay_Editors . I noticed today that category has no editor, and the category above it also has no editor.

Is there something I need to do, or anyone here can do to take a look at the site and get it listed?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Adrienne Boswell
Developer - ScriptAssist


I realize that my posting here does not expedite the submission, and I am sorry if my original post implied as such.

I was concerned because the category I submitted to, and the category above that, both do not have editors.

My question perhaps should have been, should I resubmit to another category, or stay in this category that is most appropriate to the web site, ScriptAssist .

Again, I apoligize for any confusion or breach of etiquette.


Mar 26, 2002
Always submit to the category that best fits your submission - regardless of whether or not it has an editor. Whether or not a category has an editor is not often indicitave of activity there.


May 20, 2004
sole said:
Still awaiting review.
So it has been a little over six months since I initially submitted to Arts/Writers_Resources/Software/Screenplay_Editors/ , the Screenplay_Editors has no editor, and Software also has no editor. I would volunteer, but I am a web developer, not a screenwriter, so I would not feel fully qualified.

Is there anything else I can do, or go, to get listed?

Thanks in advance.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
You are next eligible for a status check on November 23. Sorry...we changed the rules on you since your last status.

As for doing anything...not really, editors are volunteer and edit when time allows.


May 20, 2004
kokopeli said:
You are next eligible for a status check on November 23. Sorry...we changed the rules on you since your last status.

As for doing anything...not really, editors are volunteer and edit when time allows.
Thanks, kokopeli, I appreciate the heads up. I guess I'll be back after my son's first birthday. Since the category I'm appling in has no editor, I've volunteered for it, and hopefully I'll get accepted.


May 20, 2004
kokopeli said:
You are next eligible for a status check on November 23. Sorry...we changed the rules on you since your last status.

As for doing anything...not really, editors are volunteer and edit when time allows.
Yippe! It's December 6, 2004, and I'm eligible for a status check!

Can someone check the status of in Arts/Writers_Resources/Software/Screenplay_Editors .

Thank you in advance for taking a look, and I hope everyone has a joyous holiday season.

Adrienne Boswell
Administator - ScriptAssist


May 20, 2004
djdeeds said:
Still waiting review. :)
I appreciate your taking the time to have a look. Thank you. I realize that DMOZ is made up of volunteers (I was an editor a long time ago and did not have adequate time to attend to my duties), and I realize it can take quite a long time to get something reviewed.

Now, under whose a-- do I have to light a fire to get the thing reviewed? It's been sitting in line waiting since February.

Again, I ask, since this category does not have an editor, should I/can I move the submission to another category where it _might_ get reviewed faster?

Adrienne Boswell
Administrator - ScriptAssist


Apr 15, 2003
There is no point moving it to the the wrong category under the illusion that having an editor name at the bottom of a category has some connection with whether an editor is actively working in a ctegory and that it will be edited faster. Read the forum FAQ.

Submitting to a wrong category just delays review since the editor will generally move it the the right place, and review it at a later time.

An editor will review whenever he reviews. Threats of posterior incendiary action, do not enthrall us.


May 20, 2004
bobrat said:
There is no point moving it to the the wrong category under the illusion that having an editor name at the bottom of a category has some connection with whether an editor is actively working in a ctegory and that it will be edited faster. Read the forum FAQ.

Submitting to a wrong category just delays review since the editor will generally move it the the right place, and review it at a later time.

An editor will review whenever he reviews. Threats of posterior incendiary action, do not enthrall us.
Thank you for that. Trust me, I do not mean submitting for the sake of having someone review. What I mean is this, if there is no one at home, and there will never be anyone at home, why keep knocking? Why not find another similar house?

Additionally, I am not threatening - I am asking if there is someone up the ladder I might contact. Please excuse me if I sounded rude. This category does not have an editor, nor does the category above it. Does anyone know the last time the category actually had its queue reviewed? There are only 17 results in the category, and 100 in the category above it.

Again, I realise it can take quite a while to get a site reviewed and hopefully accepted. I am concerned because 1) the time taken, nearly a year, and still sitting in queue, 2) no editor in this category, 3) no editor in the category above it.

I would volunteer to edit it, but there seems to be something wrong with the system.
If the system ever gets fixed, am I going to have the same issue being accepted as an Editor, with no one in the category above to approve it?

Adrienne Boswell
Administrator - Scriptassist


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You can contact anyone you wish. But ... it's not very constructive. Most editors don't change their editing priorities based on e-mail -- and it is fairer that way.

We couldn't tell you when the unreviewed queue there was last edited (the logs are not that complete) -- and it wouldn't matter, since what you want to know is the NEXT time it'll be edited -- which we also can't know.

One thing to do is work on the site: make sure that to any visitor, it is obviously a compendium of lore -- much of it unique and all of it valuable. The good sites never stop growing...and as they grow, they gather some attention on their own.

Another thing to do is pursue other promotional opportunities -- both online and offline. You've done what you can at the ODP: you have potentially helped some future editor find a site on a topic in which he has an interest. It's out of your hands now.

But don't "wait" -- Live. Write. Do good.


May 20, 2004
hutcheson said:
You can contact anyone you wish. But ... it's not very constructive. Most editors don't change their editing priorities based on e-mail -- and it is fairer that way.

We couldn't tell you when the unreviewed queue there was last edited (the logs are not that complete) -- and it wouldn't matter, since what you want to know is the NEXT time it'll be edited -- which we also can't know.

One thing to do is work on the site: make sure that to any visitor, it is obviously a compendium of lore -- much of it unique and all of it valuable. The good sites never stop growing...and as they grow, they gather some attention on their own.

Another thing to do is pursue other promotional opportunities -- both online and offline. You've done what you can at the ODP: you have potentially helped some future editor find a site on a topic in which he has an interest. It's out of your hands now.

But don't "wait" -- Live. Write. Do good.
Thank you. I'm already getting good SERPs. The content is unique and very helpful for screenwriters, and we have a resources page that is accessed quite frequently. We also have good links from other industry sites. It just would be nice to have the ODP link as well.
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