Status Of


Jul 23, 2004
Any reason for it, Dont know why it was declined, That category editor told me to resubmit the site twice I did that, So editor purposly made my site as a declined one is it so, I can post the mail response of the editor here if needed,

All i asked the editor was whether the site was submitted in that category dont know what made him frustrated about my site,

So what should I do now,


Jul 23, 2004
This is the final mail I got from him, Below are previous correspondences,

Hi Vijay,
Try submitting it again and I will take a look at it this weekend.

I apologize for the delay. I've just been overwhelmed with all of the

At 12:37 AM 3/27/2004, you wrote:
>Hello Matt,
> Can you check if my site is in review, Just let me know it is in
>my site:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <************>
>To: "*******" <**************>
>Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 1:52 PM
>Subject: Re: ODP Feedback - Regarding site submission
> > Hi Vijay,
> > I just took over the directory about two weeks ago. I have about
> > 300 sites to review. I'll make a note of your site. Give me about a
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Matt
> >
> > At 09:14 PM 3/13/2004, you wrote:
> > >Hello Muzikman,
> > > Can you please check if my submission is in pending, I got an
> > > error when I submitted the other day, just want to confirm whether the
> > > site is in review,
> > >
> > >My site
> > >
> > >thanks for your help,
> > >VIJAY,
> >
> >
> > Matt Paolini
> > FirstPlace Software, Inc.
> >
> > *In all replies please include all previous correspondence
> >
> >
> >

Matt Paolini
FirstPlace Software, Inc.

*In all replies please include all previous correspondence


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
yes, you can resubmit your site. I would avoid emailing editors. Instead, you can come back to the Site Submission Status forum here in a month to ask for a status on it.

Note: I've removed the emails that you posted here -- even though you omitted the email addresses, it still isn't appropriate to post the email conversation here. Thanks.


Jul 23, 2004
One, Question, That is the only appropriate category for my site, And seeing my site declined I would say the editor is angry for mailing him, I have a quality site which dont have any reason to be declined so fast, So if I resubmit in the same category obviously the editor is going to decline it again,

I bet the editor didnt even see my site, I always track dmoz editor login referrals in my logs and the fact that editor didnt even see my site but sent to declined status, I never did anything wrong all i asked him was whether the site is pending in that category or not, He thinks he is too smart and didnt even look at my site, He cannot take rules in his own hands,

I always respect the dignity of dmoz and the quality of editors who volunteer to edit it, But some editor like this guy thinks he is the king of dmoz and didnt want to look at my site too, That is pretty sick,

Ok now i know this guy wont even look at my site but will decline the submission again, So what is the best way to avoid that, New Dmoz forum rule says we should come back for site status only after 6 months, So how to avoid this blind site submission decline from the editor,

Can you help me on this,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Cut out the paranoiac speculation. Calling editors dishonest, to other editors, with no evidence, is going to reflect only on your own credibility.

You've been given advice. Read it. Follow it. Then we'll go from there.


Jul 23, 2004
Hello Hutchson,

I always respect your postings, I have seen a lot of useful posts from you in webmasterworld, I even quoted your postings in my forum postings, It is because of editors like you dmoz is such a powerful directory now, Thanks a lot in taking so much responsility on this great directory,

Ok I dont want to speculate any more why My site category editor declined my site submission, I resubmitted now, ill check back after 6 months to see if I am In,

thanks a lot Metas ( Motsa, donweibe and Hutcheson ) for your help,



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The site is waiting there for review.

As for the other question: the main page seems, um, more optimized for search engine spiders than for people figuring out who you are, what you do -- you know, those bits of information people look for.

This is the sort of thing that makes sites difficult to use (and difficult to review...) I don't know whether it's eligible for a listing, and I don't want to go to the amount of effort it would take to find out ... which, in a way, ALMOST proves it's not eligible: if it's too hard for people to find the important information, then it is in one common way an uninformative site, and therefore ineligible for listing.


Jul 23, 2004
Thanks Hutcheson for your comments, Our site has more than 200 pages of quality unique pages,

I can understand homepage is more cluttered with the excessive contents, We are working on it, I think homepage will be edited to the best by monday, my copywriter is working on it, Thanks for pointing that out, I feel all other information are proper on the site, most of them are useful to visitors, We get more than 500 Uniques from search engines alone,

Our site does target global business, we have agents in US and UK, Our site is both information based and commercial based,

A listing in Dmoz is always a boost for our business, Anyway I am aware of dmoz category editing procedure and ill wait in hope that my site will be included in the dmoz directory,

ill check back after 6 months in hopes of website inclusion into your directory,


Jul 23, 2004
an uninformative site

Definetely not, Most of the traffic we get from search engines are from information/non commercial keywords and we get good feedback for those phrases,

I think you are referring to the homepage, ill work on it, ill make sure it is clean in accordance with dmoz guidelines,
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