status of


Apr 2, 2005

In both cases noone ever said it has been looked at, denied, nothing other than we will look at it. it has been over 6 months. I have read alot of posts around the net that say if the directory is moderated by somone who has alterior motives your "competitive" site will probably never get listed.

I understand things take time but no response in over 6 months is a bit much don't you think?

How can the little guy ever hope to get listed in those types of categories?

Can anyone at DMOZ check with the moderator of that category and see ha the hold up is?

1-2 months is one thing but 6,come on how fair is that.

I applied to moderate that category so that other NASCAR sites would not have this problem and was turned down. No exact reason, anyone know why that was?

I don't want to seem ungrateful but a six month wait sounds like it goes againt the whole concept.


Jan 23, 2003
I understand things take time but no response in over 6 months is a bit much don't you think?

No, editors routinely review sites that have patiently waited for more than two years, sometimes more than three years.

How can the little guy ever hope to get listed in those types of categories?

By producing a quality site with quality content.

Can anyone at DMOZ check with the moderator of that category and see ha the hold up is?

There is no moderator, and there is no hold up. If you had taken the time to read the FAQ, you would have learned that there are more than 200 editors who can edit any given category, and that we make no representation as to how long it will take before an editor looks at a given suggestion. You seem to ahve confused us with a listing service, which we definitely are not.

1-2 months is one thing but 6,come on how fair is that.

It is wonderfully fair. We never promised you that we would review your site in a given timeframe, or in a particular order. We we have said, time and time again (even in the FAQ that you never read) is that we will look at all submissions eventually. Eventually is currently between a few days and about three years. Maybe longer, because we've only been around for about five years. In another two years, when we still may not have looked at your site, we may be saying that we hope to review all sites within 5 years of submission. Who knows.

The issue here is that you seem to believe that we are somehow obligated to review your site within a timeframe of your choosing. Not sure how you came to that conclusion -- you certainly never got it from our winderful FAQ that you never read -- but regardless, you would be better off forgetting about any timeframe expectations you have, we will most certainly disappoint you.

Forget about your ODP submission. Come back every six months for a status check, and use the free time between checks to make your site the very best it can be and to go forth and find other directories (and even a search engine or two) and submit there. Then, tomorrow, next week, in December, or in 2009 -- if we review your site and add it to the directory it will be a nice treat, but not at all essential to your overall success.
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