status of


Jan 23, 2003
Sometimes people wonder why we get terse or snippy with people who ask status requests.

This was your 33rd posting to this forum.

It is at least the third thread you have opened to discuss this website. The last time you opened a new thread I took the time to look up you old thread and direct you there.

Now, here we are again, you have opened another new thread in clear violation of the forum rules, in a brazen attempt to get yet another status check -- when you received one in February (so that is two of our rules you are trying to break).

Those of us who voluntarily help out in this forum do so to try and assist people of legitimately need our help. We enjoy doing so.

What we don't like is when people repeatedly abuse our hospitality.

Go back to your original thread.

Make sure that six months have passed since your last status check.

Please respect the editors here and your fellow posters by following the guidelines and not further taking advantage of our good will.


Jan 23, 2003
You are correct, and I was wrong. I did misread the URL.

Please accept my sincere apologies, and I have deleted my initial reply to you.


Jan 27, 2004
spectregunner said:
You are correct, and I was wrong. I did misread the URL.

Please accept my sincere apologies, and I have deleted my initial reply to you.
I can understand...
Look bad have some 30 + posts... and all my mistakes like double threads...


Jan 27, 2004
I guess I need to wait for the directory to grow...

Oh well....

Thanks for your time :(


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I guess I need to wait for the directory to grow...

I flat guarantee that won't work. If you build the directory yourself as fast as you can -- then you probably won't build it fast enough to be useful to surfers. There are so many better directories, with people actually working on them -- there's no point at all in ever sending any hapless surfer to a directory that's growing merely by being spammed (and trust me, we KNOW about spammy directory submitals!)

If you aren't willing to sit down and do the work of building the core yourself -- then take the site down, it's already a failure.


Jan 27, 2004
hutcheson said:
there's no point at all in ever sending any hapless surfer to a directory that's growing merely by being spammed (and trust me, we KNOW about spammy directory submitals!)

I agree....

hutcheson said:
growing merely by being spammed
This seems to be 100% directed at something I have done....

I have had over 4,000 submissions and only included 15 so for...

Maybe this is the wrong place to ask for your advice but i'm very concerned with the finger pointing in regards to spamming in your post? ...
Maybe I have read your post completely wrong...


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, not something YOU have done -- something people will do TO you.

If there's nothing AT a site already, nobody but really assiduous link-spammers will find it, and the vast majority of the submittals you'll get will be link spam. If you search for good links and list good links (like the ODP has been doing for 6 years) then eventually you'll get more good submittals, up to the point where the ODP is: and maybe 15-18% of our submittals are actually useful (although our gardening categories may do somewhat better than that.)

Now you'll be spending much of your time removing bad links, and it'll be harder to find good sites apart from the submittals. You'll have to get really creative with the search engines. But all of this time, your biggest problem will be spam.

If I've given the impression that a directory doesn't happen without a LOT of work -- by the webmaster -- it's because that's the impression I got by actually, um, working on one.

Which comes back to my original point. The ODP won't make a directory site. And, more importantly, "waiting" won't make a directory site. Submittals won't make a directory site. The only thing that will make a directory site is directory builder's toil and sweat. If you were hoping otherwise, close it down now and skip the disappointment stage.
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