status of


Aug 2, 2002
How many jobs are there, how many resumes? How are we to judge quality and depth, we aren't going to guess. As it stands from what *I can see* there is very little content. If I reviewed it right now I would reject it. You're lucky I've got better things to do. That is the most popular category I've personally seen so don't hold your breath. Someone will check your site's status when a month has expired from your last suggestion of the URL, say the last week in Feb. Do not resubmit it, if an editor sorted in date order you are already out of the door, around the building, and down the street about a mile, with an estimated review date somewhere around 2032. Thankfully few editors sort in date suggested order.


Jan 28, 2005
Thanks Oneeye for the response. I have never posted a URL before so I am learning and appreciate your feedback.

Currently has 108 jobposts, 609 resumes and 2655 registered users since it came out maybe four months ago. We are growing pretty fast, but expect that to grow on a bigger curve. If you do a job search for "sales" without a state you will see a bunch of jobs.

Thanks and if there is any way you think I can improve the submission please let me know. I am trying to do this right.


Aug 2, 2002
If you do a job search for "sales" without a state you will see a bunch of jobs.
You're missing a point there. I won't be reviewing the site, and it is 99.99% certain it won't be reviewed by anyone seeing this thread. The content must be in the face of the reviewing editor or with the largest number of competitors for any category I have ever seen it has zero chance of even being considered. I searched nurses (your suggestion) in California (biggest state) and got one result and not for a nurse's position. I extrapolate from that uselessness, suggestion rejected. One chance, that's all you get before it goes in the bin, same with users of the site, one click, nothing, want me to give you my personal details, not a chance in hell. 2655 registered users? For the whole of the USA?

I am also guessing that there are 1000 sites alongside yours with more than 108 jobs, so again, even if I could see the whole lot of your jobs easily it is unlikely to compare favourably. We only ever list the best, which is to a degree relative to those around them. Maybe by the time you are reviewed you will have a lot more. You'd better hope so!

No, there is no way you can improve the submission, it is the site you need to worry about, and your other means of promotion to try and boost the content. Assuming we have received it, it will sit and wait for an editor to look at it sometime hence. You can find out if we have received it by bumping this thread at the back end of February!


Jan 28, 2005
Thanks again oneeye. I understand. I am working on things that will enhance visibility of data and am adding other content back in that I used to have before turning it into a jobs database. We are so new. It will take time.

Thank you for your suggestions. In time I am confident it will meet your guys high standards and I appreciate all of your work at keeping the directory so useful. I want to be part of that usefulness.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.