Status of my website

Balaram Thapa

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
My sincere greetings the editors,

I was trying to get listed my website on this directory since 6 yrs by now but not luck yet. All of my competitors are jealous because of quality of design and informative contents.

I read all guidelines. And I do visit directory almost every day to check the status, if my website included. But never attempted to resubmit. Rather I improved my content and designing.

In 2010 , I had submitted my website on this category: However the category has been modified several times. If I am not wrong, there were sub category by Alphabetic order which is no longer now.

My company is specialized for trekking, hiking, peak climbing, cultural and adventure activities throughout Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan; so I thought, it was the right category for my website.

For the reference, please visit my website: [url removed per forum guidelines]
I know all editors are doing volunteering work here. They are busy with their daily works; so they can’t give enough time to review the submission. However as mentioned above, I submitted several years ago, do you suggest me to resubmit without any affect for listing in the future?

According to several forums posts and articles I have read, they all have mixed views about listing on dmoz. But an inclusion on DMOZ directory is immortal nectar for me.

Thanking you all for reading this thread, and I truly hope that you will help me to get it listed.
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Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.
If you can spare a little time and would like a new hobby, by all means apply to be editor of a category.
Editors can list their site(s) as long as there is no favoritism per our guidelines.

Balaram Thapa

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
Dear Mollybdenum,

Thank you for your positive response.

I have applied for an editor in different category i.c:

My aim is to list quality websites rather than listing own site. And if approved my request, there won’t be any favoritism. I hate the favoritism as much as you do.

Thanking you again.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
If you suggested the website 6 years ago (and did not do any suggestions afterwards) I advice you to suggest it now one more time.
This will do you no harm.


New Member
Aug 11, 2016
I have the same problem, i added site 3 month ago and nothing. Please visit my website [url removed]
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Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
as has been written before in this thread

"Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one. "
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.