Status of


Mar 25, 2002
The site is unlikely to get listed, as it covers the same material as but I will leave it up to an editor more familiar with the area to make that decision. It *is* awaiting review in that category, though.

The root for the company is currently awaiting review in

The other URL which you mentioned has been removed from the area of sites awaiting review, as I confirmed that the site was taken down.

Thanks <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


This is from the webmaster of If it will make a difference or not, I'm not sure, but here it is:

" is different from the main product corporate site ( in that it's an e-commerce site, and isn't really 'connected' to the corporate web site at all other than through one link in
the 'about Pawling' and 'contact us' pages. The corporate site doesn't
even offer any links to the e-commerce website."

Would this change anything in how the site is seen? Just wondering. I'm still new myself to DMOZ and just making sure I fully understand the guidelines.

Thanks for your help!!!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
&gt;The corporate site doesn't even offer any links to the e-commerce website. Would this change anything in how the site is seen?

Well, hopefully not, since the fact that the same entity doesn't even consider its own e-commerce site worth promoting, is the single most denigrating comment about the site's worth that could possibly be made.

Why are they trying to promote the site here when they won't even promote it on their own site -- an operation that is fully within their control and would take only minutes or hours from start to finish? They must be either incompetent or trying to run a scam! (Note: I understand that corporate bureaucracies and committees can sometimes achieve levels of idiocy far beyond what the involved individuals could aspire to, so please pass this information back to them: they need to think about it. It's not just website promotion, the lack of an obvious link will cast doubt in surfer's minds about the legitimacy of both websites -- "if they are related, why are they ashamed to admit it? If they are not related, which one is the fraud?" There can be no satisfactory answers to such questions.)


&gt;&gt;Well, hopefully not, since the fact that the same entity doesn't even consider its own e-commerce site worth promoting, is the single most denigrating comment about the site's worth that could possibly be made.&lt;&lt;

I think this is where the misunderstanding is. is not an extension of They are two separate entities. atleticflooringonline is selling athletic flooring, but is not "an operation that is fully within their control". Pawling has no say over athleticflooring.

This isn't an MLM or anything of the sort. If you go to the Pawling site, you'd see they are a chemical manufacturer. athleticflooring sells a product they manufacture, but are not "Pawling":

This is why there are no reciprocating links. Not accepting athleticflooringonline for selling athletic flooring made by Pawling is the equivalent to saying that a carpenter can’t get credit for making a bed because the tree deserves the credit.

The reason there is no link is because there is no partnership here. The webmaster can contact if links is all it will take, But to be sure I’m understanding your position, can you let me know in a nutshell what would get indexed? I’ll try to summarize:

- These two sites are NOT partners
- athleticflooringonline is NOT a subsidiary of
- athleticflooringonline is NOT working for

Please let me know what has to be done to get the site listed, and I’ll be sure it’s done. There is no SCAM attempt here, just a mix-up.

Thanks again!
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