Status of


Nov 6, 2004
What is the status of:

submitted to: (or possibly one of the subgroups)

Original (first and Last) submission September 2004.

I have a print out verification that the site subbestion was recieved... so, just looking for an update. A re-submission of the URL will erase my original submission. I've gone through this before with other site submissions (different users names and different sites when I was different companies).

All the best for a great day!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Not there and not yet reviewed.

Please resubmit.

Also, if there is a storefront, please submit to the appropriate locality's Business&Economy category under Regional.


Nov 6, 2004
Anything in the sub listings? Was it posted to one of the sub listings to that area?

I do have a printout of the successful submission. Do the editors check by suggestion URL or some other means?

Thank you for the speedy replies!


Jun 4, 2002
It's not waiting in any of the subcats either.

We have to know the category to look in the unreviewed pile. Believe me, searching all of unreviewed by url is the feature most requested by editors.


Nov 6, 2004
DJ and Hutch,
1) Thank you for your speedy replies.
2) I hope you get the URL search feature soon. I'm sure both editors and submittors would like that feature.
3) I have just re-submitted URL to:

4) I'll re-post under this thread in a month to check status if I don't hear from you sooner.
5) the front page is updated every few days. I understand this may help search engines cature my URL and place the rank higher. The changes usually do NOT have Flash compnents. At present, there is a small "Election Results" flash from New York Times. The forum members at have expessed interest in having it there for a resource post election. That Flash will be there only a few more days. I know how Flash is not regarded kindly.

Thank you for being an editor. You are THE value of DMOZ.

All my best,

PS: Here is the copy of the submission receipt.

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Site Description: Glock specialty store offering firearms, factory
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Nov 6, 2004
Status Update, please

Greetings again,
Okay, the 30 days is up one more. Can someone provide a status update?

Much appreciated!

Enjoy the day,


Nov 6, 2004
Pending list

Greetings and thank you for the last update. RE: www.

DMOz Forum modorators have some new tools and I'm certain both you editors/reviewers and us, the loving public, will enjoy.

++?? What is the new timeline for reviewing and status of pending site submissions? Just wondering how long the list is (approx.) and when the last update to that pending list was made -- for my subcatacgory.

I've been in the industry for years and havn't seen updates for a while. I'd be willing to help. Just let me know.

I normally only check back every few months. Looking forward to getting this listed. It will definately help bring some more traffic to the site.


PS: Keep up the great work. You reviewers are THE value to DMOZ. You may not hear it enough, but THANK YOU. It is definately a labor of love. Much appreciated.


Nov 6, 2004
Happy St. Valentines week, everyone.
Thank you for the re-post on timelines.

It is sometimes good to ask about a group/catagory... to spark an interest in editors to review the area.

Patiently waiting... wishing I could help edit the area, but know that it is a conflict of interest for me to do so.

Enjoy the week and all my best. You editors are doing a great service to the planet. DMOZ may take some time, but the results are worthwhile.


PS: Do the new tools given to you editors provide stats on how many URLs are in queue for a cat/sub-cat, and how long it has been since there has been an editor working on posting/updating the area?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Do the new tools given to you editors provide stats on how many URLs are in queue for a cat/sub-cat, and how long it has been since there has been an editor working on posting/updating the area?

We've had this information for a long time. If it were merely irrelevant, we'd give it out -- in fact, we used to.

But we found that invariably, people took the information, misunderstood it, and used it to decide on actions that harmed both themselves and us.

So we stopped giving out information like that.

It's irrelevant at best, and we never saw it at its best anyway.


Nov 6, 2004
Thank you, Hutch.

30 day reminder just came up again... darn. Still not up.

Just checking to see if it is still inline for review. Status update anyone?

Hope all is well. Keep up the good work, editors! Patience is a virtue.


Jul 7, 2002
The next status check is available on or after June 19th, if the site hasn't been listed by then.


Nov 6, 2004
uzs980: sind Sie eigentlich Deutscher? Ich hab' in UNI Tuebingen studiert. Danke fuer alles. Ich seihe dass Sie in Berlin wohnen. ...unless it is Berlin, WI. Good to see the wide reach of the DMOZ community.

Thank you for the update. I'll keep checking back, and post again in June (19th). MS_Outlook is a great tool.

Al the best from
Title of Site:
Site Description:
Glock specialty store offering firearms, factory parts, and accessories. Includes information resource, consumer showcase pages, and newsletter.


Jul 7, 2002
Ja, ich bin Deutscher - und in Wisconsin war ich noch nie. (In Tübingen allerdings auch noch nicht.)


Nov 6, 2004
One of my competitors heard that I'm trying to get listed and was just talking about re-posting my URL. How can I prevent this? It would put me back on the bottom of the list?

quickly and very concerned,


Apr 15, 2003
No. We assume that this might happen, and there are some protections in place.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
And for most practical purposes, most of the time there ISN'T a bottom of the list.

I have seen attempts to do this. Since it last happened noticeably (most of the time it's as harmless as breathing bacteria spores), tens of thousands of people have died in natural disasters or by substance abuse, thousands have died of guns, or bombs, or car accidents.

Really, relax. Look at the bright side. If the competition is that intense, it might be five years until an editor notices. And probably neither of your sites will have any perceptible unique content by then. You're more likely to die of a lightning strike in the meantime.{long discourse on risk analysis omitted: it's late at night, and if I put you to sleep, aliens will suck out your brain for analysis anyway. Must ... stay ... awake ...


Nov 6, 2004
Amazing, the aliens didn't suck my brains out last night... but maybe they will tonight... :) (paranoia setting in)

Natural causes, lightning strikes, and substance abuse... careful on that caffeine, Hutch.

(I've always appreciated your humor.)

Well, in the industry I'm in -- arms -- it is rather competitive/protective. Threats are taken seriously. AtlantisArms presence threatens some other players in the online arms world. I should know, since I ran some of those companies myself.
AtlantisArms is my break away, and the industry players are taking note. Competition makes people notice. -- and when I heard that they were going to attack my site and campaign, I wrote here.

Glad to hear there are safe guards in place.

I sure hope the editor notices before 5 years pass.

Safeguards and alacrity are appreciated.

All the best,


Nov 6, 2004
Last Site Check Status Request

I had best post now.

THANK YOU for re-focussing the editor's time to processing sites. This is a brilliant move. I would recommend updating the "site Submission Status Check" with a summary of the most popular answers.

Second note: one of the reasons listed for closing this section of the forum was to allow direct communication with the editors. As posted in another thread: "what if there is no editor in the section?" Where does one (how does one) communicate with an editor? This may want to be made clear. I understand about meta editors and others reaching in and touching a section; however, in the posting on re-focusing the editors time (a good thing), no mention is made HOW to contact these higher editors, or HOW the typical e-mail to these editors should read.

The "site submission status check" area had a very specific format on how to post a request. This may want to be eloborated on for future users -- format for contacting editors with a request.

Consumers are always looking for feedback. This establishes confidence in a service. If possible, it may be adviseable to have an automated response from DMOZ on time period X, providing feedback to the end user about the status of thier submission status. "accepted for review" "not yet reviewed" "reviewed but [editors notes]" "section reviewed last on __X__ date" etc. Perhaps quarterly updates to the end user? This is easy enough to program.

Potential extra DMOZ tool: If the quarterly end-user e-mail is invalid, the posting would be invalidated. Post as a rule. Prevents spammers.

Secondary tool: the two year validation update. Sites are often inactive after two years. Perhaps there could be a 'aged listing' reviewer to keep content up to date. This applies especially to catagories that have no active, specified editor (other than the higher catagory editor or meta-editor).

A COMPLIMENT :) You editors are THE value of DMOZ. You don't hear it enough. Thank you. Thank you. Your time and service is appreciated. Results are better because of you. Humans do it better.

One last kick for approval for the higher catagory editor / meta-editor for:

Have a gander at I built other sites listed in this catagory. is an example. Only now, I have my own company apart from my former business partner / brother's wife. I just want to compete a bit stronger and the DMOZ listing would help. As the revenues grow again, I'll add more. I'm doing a beta on a database structure. My PR is creaping up. Just Yahoo is easy to get a listing. MSN a bit more challenging, and Google (and AOL) are heavily dependant on DMOZ.
The site's registration address is the same as TGSCOM ( only because that is the name I had originally created the registration account under. -- I know this is checked because years ago, I had worked on getting listed. I used to be TGSCOM's ( vice president and COO. I was the one that worded to get listed. TGSCOM owns several domains that are popular. TGSCOM was originally I then had the brainstorm to gain a footing in several areas by putting sections of the database, specific to the catagory as a separate domain. The idea was to get a few listings in several key words via different domains. TGSCOM's domain "" is the total listing of the company's inventory, and thus was the settlement with the former DMOZ editor.

Again, the editor that was active in this catagory (at the time) did extensive research on listings, noticed that the ever popular and had the same registration address. Once the editor noticed this, he removed several of our other listings, leaving only is a TOTALLY separate company. It is now MY company. The shipping is from another address. is a sole proprietorship and mine. My registration address is the same only because is slow at updating the information. I've had a new address for a year and a half -- since leaving TGSCOM. was established 11 October 2004. As revenues grow, I can afford to build more on the site (hence my offline beta testing of a database driven product listing.)

The content is original. No one has the details of the products, the written history of the products, the listing of left versus right handed people, and a showcase for people who want to elaborate how thier modifications. I am also the only one who has separated product selection to fit the arm of thier choice. -- Of this I am especially proud. Customers compliment this often. -- I am also the only one to offer access to informational material (the Glock Annual) to be shipped for free.

Granted, more can be done. More can always be done. DMOZ itself knows that of itself. I am looking forward to growth and improvement, for both of us.

Just let me know how to contact the appropiate editor. I look forward to a word from my (non-existant) catagory editor. I do not know who/how to contact my higher meta-editor.

LAST NOTE: Hutcheson: you are awesome. You have a unique sense of humor I've appreciated reading. Your answers are alwasy VERY complete, upbeat, and supportive. Many can take a lesson from your lead.

Be well, enjoy life, laugh often.
Thank you again for being editors.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.