Status of


Mar 7, 2005

I am wondering what the status of my site is, I have submitted it over a month ago and as per the guidelines, I have waited to inqure about it's current progress.

Thank You!


Jan 23, 2003
Well, you got that part of the guildelines correct, but you apparently missed the part aobut giving us a clickable link to the caregory where you made your submission. Give us that and we'll give you a status check. Sounds like a fair exchange to me.


Aug 2, 2002
Hmmm - your site is telling people about setting up affiliate sites and it says

For best results Chance2earnmoney Inc. recommends submitting your website to the search engines listed below

- Open Directory

That is going to make me want to rush to list it. Not. ;)

If your site is going to give people advice you should at least do your research properly - at the present time it lacks credibility since you clearly have no clue as to DMOZ listing guidelines so what chance you've researched the others properly?


Mar 7, 2005
Constructive Criticism Appreciated!

I would like to thank spectregunner and oneeye for replying to my inquiry. I apologize for omitting the information you require to perform a thourough check on my URL. I will update that for you in another post.

In reply to oneeyes comments on "lack of credibility", our staff does perform research on the content posted on the site and our site is not just geared toward affiliate programs. We are well aware of how DMOZ ODP differs from search engines, and perhaps it is worthy of an expanded explanation on how it differs from the more traditional search engines. We will take your comments, although not exactly conveyed in the most professional manner, into account for the enhancement of our site.


Aug 2, 2002
not exactly conveyed in the most professional manner
I'm not a professional editor and nor are any of my colleagues, I am a volunteer who uses his spare time to help maintain and enhance the ODP directory, which is increasingly becoming clogged with spam in the form of affiliate sites that we specifically prohibit - people who know no better often submit those spam affiliate sites innocently because they have been told or encouraged by "professional" advisers on such matters that it is OK, even that it is vitally important, to do so. Then they get shocked when they come here to ask for a status update and leave with a flea in their ear. Any of your users who go for one of the affiliate programs you recommend, then follow your unqualified recommendation to submit to the ODP, will have their site rejected, perhaps be even more severely sanctioned, for breaching our submission policies. The credibility of your information is therefore in doubt with respect to the one piece of information on the site all editors have an expert perspective on, and the one piece of information an editor is guaranteed to check. Having picked that one up, personally I would need a lot of convincing that the rest of the information was accurate, and therefore worthy of a listing. I wouldn't necessarily reject it, but given our time constraints I wouldn't do the indepth research needed to convince myself to list it either. I am telling you this because you, and people like you, can help the ODP by ensuring that your users get the correct messages, which in turn does you and your users nothing but good too, including perhaps making an editor happy enough about your site to consider listing it sometime, who knows...


Mar 7, 2005
Response to Oneeye..

We appreciate your insight from an editors point of view on the content of our web site. We also respect the fact that you volunteer your time to ensure the ODP continues to hold sites to high standards.

Your point is well taken regarding the fact that others who are seeking viable opportunities, which is what we strive to offer our visitors, would take our recommendation and attempt to submit to the ODP perhaps under false pretenses.

In an effort to deliver correct and relevant material, we are going to remove the reference to the DMOZ ODP from our site and re-evaluate the need for dedicating a separate page to the uniqueness and proper procedure for submission of a URL.

It is apparent, based on your assessment, that we are going to have a difficult time getting listed in the ODP, so we will probably not pursue this option. We appreciate your condor and will utilize your comments to enhance our site for the betterment of our visitors and clients.


Jan 23, 2003
The offer for a status check still stands. Just give us a clickable link to the category and someone will check. Learning if an editor has even reviewed your site may be a worthwhile exercise.


Jul 7, 2002
Your submission of February 8th is waiting for review in that category.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.