>Second, can the editor that checked out my site and moved it too Rockabilly tell me why they feel it fitted best in that area.
Almost certainly they won't. Unless they read this forum, they won't even know you asked (and most editors don't read this forum.)
>And if they could move it back to Punk or up to Niche ...
They will -- if when they are reviewing it, it is their judgment that is the best place for it. Otherwise they won't.
>or tell me of a more fitting category.
The way you can tell what category they think is appropriate is to see where it appears when it's listed. The way you can suggest a better category is to submit a "Update URL" request, with your reasons. You'll get the same response as for "Add URL" -- that is, the editor will either do it or not do it, and probably won't say anything to anyone about their decision process either before or afterwards.
>I don't think we fit in Rockabilly.
The decision as to where to list is never to be based on discussions with webmasters -- it should be based solely on review of the site.
What you can do at THIS point, is resubmit the same URL to the Rockabilly category. Your new suggested site description will overwrite the old one. And you may be able to use it to suggest a better category.
-- Include ANY keyword-spam, hype, and intended-target language [that is, "all the best-quality surfboarding products for all surfboardersd at the lowest prices" is the sort of thing you should be very careful not to say at all]
-- Try to dictate the category to the editor (frankly, with regard to taxonomy, most editors are used to most submitters not having a clue or a bucket to carry it in. It is a rare delight to have a site submitted to the right category.)
-- Talk about your target market. Basically, we don't categorize by target market.
-- Let the description feature the kinds of content on the site that (in the judgment of a knowledgeable editor) would cause that site to be more appropriate for another category.
-- Make sure that the content featured in the new description is easy to find on the site.
If you do that, IF you avoid doing anything marketroidish that would cause the entire description to be discarded out-of-hand before the site review, and IF the site really belongs somewhere else, that is the best way to get it there.