Status of


Aug 2, 2002
Why would we want to list this site? Our criteria for inclusion is original content and the service you offer is to provide ETAs which are available direct from the DIMIA. Which cannot be anything but the definitive authority since they issue it. Sorry.


Apr 26, 2004
e Visas to Australia Pty Ltd


The concept of providing ETAs through the Internet was a decision taken by the Australian Government to provide easier access to ETAs (another form of visa) for travel to Australia. This decision also allowed and endorsed Evisas to Australia Pty Ltd to participate in the issuing of ETAs by providing us access to Australian Government and other authorities systems so we could issue ETAs on their behalf. The Australian Government objective is to provide persons with easy access to ETAs not just from them but from other service providers such as us because it is not possible for all persons to know or find the DIMIA on the Internet to arrange their ETA. Because our process is a low cost, simple and efficient way to obtain an ETA our service has been well regarded, however, a number of persons have not used our service because they could not locate us on the Internet. Therefore, we are looking at options such as the Open Directory Project to assist persons to find us. We note is located in your directory (go to who are not a definitive authority – they are a service provider just like us.

We trust this clarifies the situation and would greatly appreciate our inclusion in your Directory

Thank you



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You realize that discussions here have no effect on editorial review decisions?

The editor who reviews the site likely won't have read the thread anyway....

Note that in order to remain open for its own purposes, this forum MUST be seen NOT to be a place to request reviews, which is a good thing always ... but especially for you at the moment, since the site is down.


Aug 2, 2002
This has no effect on the editorial review decision but I would like to comment.

If I put up a site that simply sells Amazon books then I am doing so with the endorsement of Amazon. But I don't have any unique content, I am simply another doorway into the Amazon catalogue. We deem that an affiliate and it is strictly forbidden to list affiliate sites.

I could call myself something else, a reseller, or an agent, or a service provider maybe. But the basic business model remains the same, I am merely a doorway to someone else's products.

The fact is, in this case, that DIMIA has a direct service and that service is listed. Specifically to allow our users to go straight to the source. As Amazon is listed so there is no need for our users to go via one of their affiliates/resellers/agents/service providers. Our alternative is to go to DIMIA and ask them to provide the URLs for all their agents, and list the lot in the interests of fairness. But as you can guess, that is the last thing we would do! I do find it somewhat odd that if DIMIA is actually encouraging the use of its agents that it does not list them on its own site. Yours is not the only ETA issuer site to be rejected for the exact same reasons BTW.

it is not possible for all persons to know or find the DIMIA on the Internet to arrange their ETA.
But on DMOZ they can, very easily. That is why it is listed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.