Status of


Mar 14, 2005
Please let me know the status of

It was submitted once to:
Top: Shopping: Health: Beauty: Skin Care about 4 months ago.
and once to:
Top: Shopping: Health: Nutrition today.

Frankly I gave up on you and figured the ONLY way to get in is to pay one of these companies who promise inclusion assuming they have something I lack. So today I have submitted again to a slightly different category (My site offers the same quantity of skin care products and nutritional supplements, so either category will do).
Thanks, Ari


Aug 2, 2002
Frankly I gave up on you and figured the ONLY way to get in is to pay one of these companies who promise inclusion
It is a false promise. No-one can guarantee you inclusion and no-one, not even we the editors, can tell you when a site might be listed - tomorrow, next year, several years. It is the nature of the beast on both scores. It is the same site no matter who submits it and the only thing that can be lacking is copious amounts of high quality original content. That will be determined when the site is (eventually) reviewed.

You cannot ask for a status report until 1 month after the last time you suggested it. Since that was today, wait a month, do not suggest it again, then bump this thread.


Mar 14, 2005
thanks oneeye,
My site is small but active and has a solid record with both customers and search engines. It also has an interesting collection of products and articles; so I am confident that once reviewed it will be included. I just did not understand why I did not get any feedback of my previous submission. I still don't know why, but I guess I will have to wait 1 month.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
exit15 said:
I just did not understand why I did not get any feedback of my previous submission. I still don't know why,
That's very easy. We never send feedback about submissions. Only here at R-Z questions will be answered.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, it means that's the category that an editor did the whack-a-mole action to clean up the annoying and useless extra submittals that you (and many other thoughtless or aggressive submittal policy violators) make.

It also means we can't really give a more precise answer to your question -- we trust the mole-whacker to leave one breeding pair, but everyone makes mistakes occasionally, so it's possible (but unlikely) that all the moles are dead.

The submittal policy isn't just there to save us wasted effort. It's to save you unnecessary frustration and possible positive harm. But it won't work if you won't let it.

I do not recommend another submittal. Once classified as a mole, any duplicate submittal is more likely to cause a delete by an editor acting in self-protection.

Please turn your promotional efforts to other venues in the meantime, but what I DO recommend is that you check back in six months. For most submittals, there's no point in checking status after you know it's been received, but in this case you've increased the chances of an accident, so I recommend closer than usual monitoring.

Nothing personal in all this, obviously -- many many people do what you did. I'm trying to get the message out in the only way that seems effective: YOU CAN GET HURT DOING THIS, FOLKS! DO NOT DO IT AT HOME OR AT WORK!


Mar 14, 2005
hutcheson said:
No, it means that's the category that an editor did the whack-a-mole action to clean up the annoying and useless extra submittals that you (and many other thoughtless or aggressive submittal policy violators) make.
Nothing personal in all this, obviously -- many many people do what you did. I'm trying to get the message out in the only way that seems effective: YOU CAN GET HURT DOING THIS, FOLKS! DO NOT DO IT AT HOME OR AT WORK!
I have submitted my site twice, once over six months ago and once almost 2 months ago. I am not sure who the aggressive one really is... but its ok, life will go on without you. DMOZ can save its editors tones of work if they send a simple email confirmation, bounce duplicates at submission time, send a status update once the editor is reviewing the entry.... but they must prefer whacking moles and attacking users for no reason whatsoever...


Jan 23, 2003
DMOZ can save its editors tones of work if they send a simple email confirmation, bounce duplicates at submission time, send a status update once the editor is reviewing the entry.... but they must prefer whacking moles and attacking users for no reason whatsoever...

Actually just the opposite will occur. We will get buried by the spammers who will resubmit within nanoseconds of being rejected.

Very often the tone of our responses are set by the tone of the initial posting.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Your proposal wouldn't save any work at all. The only reason we offer status checks is as a loss-leader, to get a chance to explode the idiotic and paranoid myths that float around the internet. Other than that opportunity for discussion, the status checks are nearly always useless for all practical purposes.

In fact, the only thing anyone has ever suggested that they might do with status information is, get this: when their site is rejected, they want to know so they can resubmit quickly.

Hello? Is anyone home? "My first submittal was spam, so obviously more spam is the way to influence people and win directory listings." This is not a reaction that helps the editors be more efficient, this wastes even more of our time! It would serve the purposes of OUR efficiency better if we lied and never told people their sites were rejected. (That solution is unacceptable on other grounds...)

No, it's definitely best to let the spammers wonder. And let them waste their time on pointless submittals, or give up and go on to something else.

And the polite, honest folk?

No problem there: we pretty much guarantee that following the submittal policy is the most effective way of submitting a site. Honest folk will do that. They won't need to know when the site is reviewed, because there's no action they would take at that time anyway.
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