Status of:


May 6, 2004
Any progress?


it's been a year since the last post. Has there been any progress with the review? Is there anything I can do to get listed?

- Oddgeir Austad


May 6, 2004
Thanks for the quick reply! But I can't understand why my site was rejected. In comparison to a lot of the ones already in that category, it contains more unique content, have less ads and also a few unique features. It fulfills all the demands for sites to include as far as I can see.

Is it possible to get a reason why it was rejected? So I may change it to better suit this directory. And is it any point in resubmitting it as it is now?

- Oddgeir Austad


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We don't want sites to suit the directory -- that way lies abuse. We want sites to suit the surfer. If the site was "aimed at suiting the ODP" all along, PLEASE DO NOT RESUBMIT. You missed, and we'd like to be able to come out of the bomb shelter now, thanks.

The reason for rejection is basically always unique content. Bear in mind that some sites currently listed might not be listed today if they were reviewed. So any attempt to be the "second-worst site in the category" is doomed to failure, no matter how expressed.

If, upon reconsideration, you look at your site and realize that the navigation was so poor that someone could not easily find or recognize your unique content, it would be worth while to rework your user interface to emphasize what matters to surfers. If you do that, and when you think you've made a significant improvement in that aspect of the site -- and that you really can't do any more to improve that -- then it would not be unreasonable and perverse to suggest the site again. I don't hold out high hopes: in my experience the vast majority of rejected sites have no realistic hope of ever being listed. The webmasters just keep churning them out and firing them at us -- the concept of improvement seems less important than maintaining a high rate of submittal spamming. But there are exceptions: and if this is your one site into which you would pour your soul even if the ODP had never existed, then ... keep pouring your soul out (we can see these things!), think about the SURFER (NOT the ODP--we see those things also), and get fanatic about ease of navigation.

[Side note: I built a music site with a few thousand files. From any page in it, you can get to any other page in no more than four clicked links, by at least five different routes. At every stage in the navigation, the next step is (I think) obvious, and it is trivial to tell whether there's a possibility of finding the file you want.

I spent hours trying to figure out a way of improving the navigation from that point ... finally decided I wouldn't be able to, I'm not good enough at user-interface design or enough of a fanatic. I'd really have liked to get down to three clicks page-to-page...]
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