status of



Hi I submitted about 2 months ago and I have never heard anything back. I was wondering if I could figure out the status of it. I know when you post status requests your supposed to put a link to the category you submitted to, but to be perfectly honest I cant remember which category it was.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This forum may not be used to accuse editors of abuse; please use the abuse-reporting system for concerns about specific editors (where the complaint will be confidential), or the "Abuse reporting" forum here for more general concerns.

I can say that the problem of picking the "best" URL for each site is not as trivial as you suppose; you can nearly always find some other site that seems to have the kind of URL you want.

[Extreme example: is a gang of sleazoid virus-propagators; their so-called "redirector" service is a pile of trash, and their so-called technical experts are primordial bottom-feeders from the primordial ooze. I am one of many editors who has gone on campaigns to expunge their sorry ad-popup, ad-popdown, ad-popout, redirect-to-invalid-URL, stealthed junk altogether from the directory. And yet ... of the tens of thousands of URLs that have been submitted to us, I've seen two that seemed to be the proper URL for the site. (I can't figure out why those people wanted to live in such a bad neighborhood, or how they got real URLs instead of redirectors -- but it doesn't matter. The general rule (no matter how passionately I support it, and no matter how firmly our practice of "no redirection" URLs is applied) doesn't apply for those two sites.

Now, if someone comes in here demanding that we use their URL because someone else has a URL, our response is going to be some attempt at a tactful expression of a fervent wish to not continue the conversation, backed up by technical means to attain that end.

Now, yahoo stores are not they cause their own set of problems, and our approach is geared towards minimizing those problems FOR OUR EDITORS. But the same fundamental rules apply. Our decision will not be, and you have no right to expect it to be, the same for every store. The editors' concerns are based on the stability and ease of maintenance of a collection of four million URLs -- and those concerns are primary.

If you wish to request a URL change, you should follow the usual procedure:

1) Make sure the site is really hosted (without redirection) at the URL you prefer.
2) Make sure that the site's own self-address consistently corresponds to the URL you prefer.
3) Make sure that the old URL either doesn't work, plainly redirects to the new URL, or identifies itself as the new URL.
4) Submit an "Update URL" request.

This forum is not to be used for requesting changes like taht.


In that case can you please tell me what makes my URL different from the other yahoo stores I listed? That way I can try to address the issues so it wont be a problem for the editors. Thank you.
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