Status of


Mar 23, 2005
Can somebody comment on the status for I have submitted this new registration more than a month ago, and didn't receive any feedback ever since.

The category is Computers: Software: Presentation: Microsoft PowerPoint and actually this should replace the Netron entry, since the product name got changed.

Anticipated thanks


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Didn't take much time to get it
We volunteers here are few and the questioners are many. If we can persuade them to do the part of the work that they can do (and as the forum's guidelines require) our workload will be smaller and we'll be able to devote more time to evaluating websites.

One problem we face is that many posters here don't actually read the forum guidelines. I'm sure you'll understand why that sometimes makes us seem a tad tetchy.


We don't welcome the submission of individual product pages by the way. You should have suggested your root URL to an appropriate category.


Mar 23, 2005
jimnoble]We volunteers here are few and the questioners are many. If we can persuade them to do the part of the work that they [B]can[/B said:
do (and as the forum's guidelines require) our workload will be smaller and we'll be able to devote more time to evaluating websites.

I definitely agree everything you said, and I know that volunteer work is simply volunteer and not paid, just that I thought that the time spent writing a "you should put the link" in bold red was pretty equal to the one for actually getting the link. My intentions are far from starting a flame war.. I was just wondering about that.

jimnoble said:
We don't welcome the submission of individual product pages by the way. You should have suggested your root URL to an appropriate category.

I'm sure that is a valid point, just that on that particular page I'm trying to get my link to, there are plenty of products already in. To mention just a few:

- CrystalGraphics
- NetZoom
- Avanced PowerPoint Exporter
- Hot Chilli Media
- and last but not least - Qarbon which is actually an OEM of our product, discontinued an year ago..

I think that adding links to individual product pages is not a crime as long as the producer makes more than just flavours of the same product. To put it this way: if a company (like us) makes PowerPoint conversion tools, media management and presentation builders, online e-Learning services etc., there is greater value in linking each of the products into the appropiate category (thus benefiting the DMOZ visitors by providing relevant content as direct links) then just putting the main company hub in a less-relevant category like Computers:Software.

I hope I'm not offending anyone, and I sincerely respect all the hard work you're putting in this, but I honestly don't see any flaws in the logic above. And, as a closing line, if standards are to be followed then they should apply for everybody..


Apr 15, 2003
I certainly agree that in an ideal world that would be nice, and I would love to list my own sites in more than one categroy since I think they belong in several places. But if we allowed that, then there would be several nudred thousand [or milllions more site URL's waiting to be reviewed, and that is beyond or resources to handle. So we had to make some limits.

That's why we clearly state to submit to one category. When you decide that you are entitled to ignore that we get annoyed with you.

Editors however, are allowed when they review a site, to make exceptions and list a site and/or pages in multiple categories - just do not suggest that we do that by submitting those pages.


Mar 23, 2005

Gosh.. not only my submission looks to be ignored, but the former entry my product had got also removed.. well, guys, apologies if I'm repeating myself, but if you consider this to be the right way, why don't you do it for everyone? If rules are to be respected then everyone should be judged by the same standards, otherwise this is called discrimination. It's really frustrating to see that if someone speaks up they get slapped, while others who somehow got in unobserved, live just fine.

Getting into the details, if my request for a name changed got ruled with the whole entry being removed. Since I listed a few other sites which are absolutely in the same case, please follow the same logic and remove them as well. Otherwise, I'm very very sorry to say that, but this looks like an abuse - is there a rule which says that Western products are to be protected against others which are struggling to compete them on quality and price? Because I can only interprete things as such.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England (to which your old subdomain redirected) has a much wider scope than PowerPoint and doesn't belong in that category. It is now awaiting review in Computers/Software .

Incidentally, it looks as though didn't make it through the submission process.

What method did you use? Did you use the suggest URL link at the top of the category page (which we'd assumed in the above) or the update listing (which would have been correct now that we know that you already had a listing there)?


Mar 23, 2005
Hi Jim, thanks for replying,

jimnoble][url][/url] (to which your old subdomain [url][/url said:
redirected) has a much wider scope than PowerPoint and doesn't belong in that category. It is now awaiting review in Computers/Software .
That is absolutely correct, the scope is much wider hence it should stay in a broader category. That is why I have just (29/03) submitted it into the much wider class.

jimnoble said:
Incidentally, it looks as though didn't make it through the submission process.

What method did you use? Did you use the suggest URL link at the top of the category page (which we'd assumed in the above) or the update listing (which would have been correct now that we know that you already had a listing there)?
I used "suggest". My apologies if this was not correct. Should I submit again, now that the old listing has been removed?

Thanks again!


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I used "suggest". My apologies if this was not correct.
Since you actually originally wanted a URL changed in situ, update listing would probably have been more appropriate, would likely have been treated as a higher priority and might well have slipped through without all this fuss and palaver. Had your suggest been successful, you might well have ended up with two listings for the same product in the same category. This is the kind of strategy which could easily be mistaken as an attempt to deceive.

Should I submit again, now that the old listing has been removed?
No. As I already said,we don't welcome deeplink submissions. When reviewing your main URL, the editor will decide whether or not deeplink listings are appropriate.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I've just taken a closer look. Since is part of , it won't be listed at all. For further explanation please reread our Submission Guidelines and note the penalties which can apply if you suggest related URLs.
Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
Further submissions of either will be considered to be attempted directory abuse.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.