Status of


Jul 21, 2004
Hi. I have had my website up and running for a little over a year now. I first submitted it to the DMOZ at that time, but now realize I did a big boo-boo.. :rolleyes: My site is kind of hard to catagorize since I sell my oil paintings, dolls, candles and cat gifts... When I first submitted, I tried submitting to the art category: When months went by and I wasn't picked up, I resubmitted it by breaking it up into categories and submitting each section into the proper category... I now realize that was a bad idea.. :eek: ...I didn't do this to try to break any rules...I just thought I needed to do that because my site is hard to stick into one category... I should also mention that at the time, I was having a heck of a time getting anything to submit to DMOZ...I kept receiving error messages after I would hit the submit button, so I was never sure if my site had actually been submitted or not... I have tried repeatedly to contact someone, ANYONE, from DMOZ to get info, but have never received a reply from anyone... I was very happy to find this forum so that I might figure out how to finially get my site listed.

I have worked incredibly hard on my site...I have done all the work myself.. I don't use any of those sneaky softwares to up my rank or steal other webmasters keywords, etc... I don't do anything on my site that would disqualify me from the DMOZ.... I am well ranked on Google (PR5), but I realize how important it is to be listed with the DMOZ, so I've been quite frustrated over this situation for the last year.

The last time I submitted, I think :confused: , was in November/December of 2003.... We have since made a long distance move and I can't find the notebook I kept track of my submissions in.... But I'm pretty confidant it's been over 6 months since my last submission...

I am worried that I have been banned from submission because of my resubmitting so many times.... This really was not an attempt to get submitted over and over again.. Just ignorance as to how the whole system works...

My site is and the last couple of times I submitted, I sent it to

Somehow, I missed that category the first couple of times I submitted to DMOZ, and this is why I tried breaking the site down by category... I found this category last fall and feel my site probaly fits in this category best... I'm pretty confidant that I have worded my submission/descriptions properly.. The only thing I can figure is that I am being penalyzed for submitting too much and not understanding exactly how all this worked when I first got on line.. As I mentioned, I've done all the work myself.. Everything I've done has been by trial and error... I had no one to guide me... So if I screwed things up by submitting too much in the beginning...PLEASE tell me how to fix this... If that isn't the problem, can you tell me what IS the problem... What do I need to fix? Should I resubmit now since it has been over 6 months since I last submitted my site, or won't it do any good?
Thanks so much,
Karen Challender
Karens Kottage


Apr 15, 2003
Short quick answer is - your sites has been submitted to the following categories and possibly others.


Some submissions were deleted as being redundant

an editor moved it in to Shopping/Pets/Theme_Merchandise/Cats

do not submit any more, as each submission you have made created extra work, and confusion as to which category you belong in. You have not been refused because of the multiple submissions, but you may indeed have caused delays in getting reviewed.

No editor will have properly reviewed your site yet, they only would have made a checks to try and end up with one copy in one category. At some point an editor will do a full review, it is impossible to say when that will happen.

As far as Google ranking, hidden keywords, etc. that is all ignored as far a reviewing sites here.

It might help you to read the FAQ - which provides further information.


Apr 15, 2003
Not really, we just answer in these threads as to the status of what other editors are doing. An editor who has access to make changes in that category would have to see this message. Then he would in fact have to spend the time reviewing it - and that generally will not happen.

The editor who moved it, made that decision based on the description you supplied [which I do not have access to read] and the fact that you submitted it to Shopping/Pets/Theme_Merchandise

That does not mean that is the category it belongs in.


Jul 21, 2004
Just Checking

Hi. Just checking to see if there has been any progress in the submission of my site.
Karens Kottage :eek:


Feb 28, 2002
The site was recently listed in [cat=Shopping/Crafts/Multiple_Craft_Artisans]Shopping: Crafts: Multiple Craft Artisans[/cat].
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.