Status of


May 11, 2005

I submitted the URL of quite some time ago, probably more than a year ago. I do not recall the directory under which I submitted, so I apologize in advance for a lack of information on my part. Would you be so kind as to research this URL's submission. Although it has been quite a long time since I submitted, I was very hesitant to resubmit for fear of having it banned or dropped without notice.

If I need to resubmit because of the very long time lag, just let me know, and I will do so. I look forward to having Karlin Enterprises listed in the Open Directory Project.

Best Regards,

I just realized that this was posted in the Shopping Forum instead of the Site Submission Status Forum. Sorry for the mistake, can someone please move this to the Site Submission Status Forum? Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We ask for the category because we can't research the submittal otherwise. There is no "grand total list of all submittals" and there is no "search submittal list for URL." (These aren't features we'd use building a directory -- so they are not functionality we're likely to get.)


Jan 23, 2003
I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that I rolled the dice and actually found your submission to Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Accessories

The bad news is that your is the type of site we specifically do not add to the directory.

Please do not resubmit.


May 11, 2005

Thanks for the quick response. Although the news is disappointing, could I please have an explanation regarding this line:

The bad news is that your is the type of site we specifically do not add to the directory.

If you could please explain what features my site has that excludes it from your list. I would like to know because if there is something I can do to alter my site, I am open to input and suggestions. Is it because the site is a retail site?

Thank you in advance for you time.

Kindest Regards,


May 11, 2005
I do not think lack of unique content would be the problem here.

Could I please have an answer that is specific to my website? Simply rejecting a site then pointing someone to a generic site to let them try to figure out the problem is like slapping a child's hand for touching a hot stove, but telling the child to go read this book to try to figure out why s/he got her/his hand slapped.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Best Regards,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I agree that lack of unique content is the problem here. (But it always is....)

Beyond that, what can we say? We can't read your mind, we don't know what (if anything) unique you know but didn't put on the website.

And as for what you DID put on the website, you know where it came from, you MUST know whether it's already on the web -- what can we tell you that you don't already know?

So people keep asking us this, and it's utterly baffling what on earth they expect us to say.

Hey, you don't have the text of Book IV of the "Necromonicon" on your website. That would be unique. Or ... that famous treatise on "Changes of Name in Fish" -- nobody has that online yet. That would be unique content. Or ... you could make Groaci finger puppets and nose whistles, we don't have any online sources for those yet. ... Or ... (skip the detail) Let me see. Are there any other conceivable kinds of unique content you don't have? No, that's the list. Just pick something off of that list, add it, and resubmit. Thanks.

Would that be a help if we could do it, which we can't?

And you've altogether mistaken the purpose of the ODP. It's about helping people find the content that is out there: as a side effect (and only as a side effect), it acts as a "hall of achievement" for successful gourmet content-cooks. If you need remedial kindergarten on avoiding hot stoves, someone else will have to provide it.
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