status of


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002


Mar 27, 2005
thank you for responding so promptly... I did not see the site listed in those categories, thank you for pointing it out to me. interesting reply, however...

the site is absolutely directed at rock and ice climbers in New England. in the winter ice climbing is what 95% of the content revolves around. all of the articles and pictures are of ice climbers. the rest of the time is is 100% about rock climbing.

you list in ice climbing. that is appropriate IMO, however it should also be listed in regional the same as neclimbs. neice is absolutely as regional as neclimbs. you also list in ice climbing and it is no different than You list in ice climbing, I assume because it has an ice routes guide, but it is only about ice climbing in Valdez Alaska. neclimbs has an extensive on line guide to both rock and ice routes in the area. you list in the ice climbing area and it has rock climbing information as well, but only about New England.

I strongly believe should be listed in the regional area, as it curently is, plus it should be in ice climbing and in rock climbing as well.

I certainly hear your reply, but sorry... I simply don't understand the rationale.


Aug 2, 2002
I strongly believe should be listed in the regional area, as it curently is, plus it should be in ice climbing and in rock climbing as well.
That is a decision for editors and the decision has been made.
I certainly hear your reply, but sorry... I simply don't understand the rationale.
An editor, with the benefit of experience, has made a decision as to correct placement of the site. There are often plenty of fine lines that go into such decisions. I believe Mr H has given you as good an explanation as it is possible to give. Ignore where other sites are listed - they are irrelevant to any decision on your own site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This is a basic principle of hierarchical taxonomies, which I don't mind explaining.

You look for the ONE category that most closely fits your topic. Neither Rock nor Ice most closely fits the topic, because the site covers both! If a site has substantial material on several subcategories of one category, we'd consider it for a listing in the parent category instead.

As it happens, once you get to the parent category, you can see that you were going down the wrong kind of subdivision -- because the site has a regional focus, not a "single specific kind of climbing" focus, and we have regional subcategories.

Suppose we were fortunate enough to have lots of "ice climbing in New England" sites? Then we do a double cross-subdivision. We'd have a New England category under Ice-climbing, which would also have (as an alias) an Ice-climbing name and (as a step-parent) the New England subcategory of climbing. So it wouldn't matter which link you had drilled down through -- you'd come up in the same place at the bottom.

This is the kind of cross-linking that we should do with the two categories that your site is listed in now.
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