Status of


Sep 30, 2004
Thanks for the prompt reply,

Excuse my ignorance, but could you briefly outline what the different "stages" of acceptance are? My guess is the site has been initially accepted and is now awaiting review from the "higher-ups" in the DMOZ category heirachy, yeah?

Also, is there any indication how long this could take?


Mick Byrne


There are no stages as such.
A site is suggested, an editor reviews it, and does 1 of 4 things
Lists it (either in the category it was suggested to, or another category if they have permissions in that other category)
Moves it (usually to a category closer to where it will be listed based on the site information)
Deletes it (usually for lack of unique content)
Does nothing and leaves it for later or another editor (this can occur for several reasons - browser crash, real life interruptions, telstra drops out after 10 hours :( , unable to spend sufficient time to understand a site) [These are all real examples from my last couple of weeks]

Next time an editor looks at the site the exact same 4 things could occur again.

We are unable to determine when next an editor will look at the site, so cannot predict if and/or when a particular site may be reviewed. I'd be surprised if any sites in Australia have more than a 2 year wait, but it can, and does, occur in some categories. Of course it may have been reviewed while I typed this. Just never can tell.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I think maybe what confused you was the "now" in gimmster's "It is now waiting for review in ..." -- what that meant was that, instead of it waiting in the category you originally submitted it to, it is waiting in the category he linked to.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.